Tourist Trapped

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Ah, summer break.....a time for leisure, relaxation, and takin' 'er easy....unless you're me.

A golf cart crashed through a billboard and drove like a maniac through a clearing before speeding off into the woods. If one looked closely, they would see it was being driven by four children.

The one at the wheel was a brunette with red eyes, a red polo shirt and shorts, her eyes narrowed behind her glasses and focused on the road ahead.

That's me. Heather Duck. The oldest of the Duck Quadruplets.

"They're gaining on us!" Cried another girl - blonde hair with the lower half dyed blue, brown eyes, and a grey cardigan over a blue blouse and jean skirt - as she looked back at the large monster chasing them.

There's my sister, Eliza. She's the third oldest.

"I think I'm going to throw up...." Yet another brunette - though her hair was a few shades lighter- in a pink dress whimpered.

The girl about to vomit is Giselle, she's the youngest.

"Throw up on them, not on me!" The only boy, who had blond hair, red eyes and wore a red hoodie and jeans, yelled.

This here is our only brother, Jared. He's the second oldest.

"Watch out!" He yelled as a tree came crashing down in front of them. Heather swerved, barely missing it.

You're probably wondering what we're doing in a golf cart, fleeing from a creature of unimaginable horror. Rest assured, there's a perfectly logical explanation.


It all started when our parents shipped us off to Gravity Falls, Oregon, for the summer. Apparently, my dad's older brother - who we never met - lived there and he ran a tourist trap called the Mystery Shack.

Honestly, the real mystery was why anyone came.

"And here is the candycorn!" The man in the red shirt - Uncle Leo - exclaimed with a bright grin as he pulled a blanket off a display, showing a unicorn made completely of candy.

"Oooh!" The tourists exclaimed in awe, taking pictures as Jared rolled his eyes and swept at the floor.

And guess who had to work there? Us.

"Everything here is totally fake." He scoffed to his sisters. Heather nodded in agreement, looking up from her book.

"I'm bored." Giselle sighed, playing with her hair before Eliza popped up behind her, shaking her.

"He's reading it, he's reading it!" The blue clad quadruplet whispered in excitement. Giselle smiled and joined her behind the counter.

"Do you like me?" A confused boy of African descent read, narrowing his eyes in confusion. "Yes, definitely, absolutely?"

"I rigged it." Eliza winked.

"I get you two are in your boy crazy phase, but could you dial it back a bit?" Heather begged. Eliza shot her a look.

"I don't know what you mean." She gasped dramatically.

"The kid yesterday that you pushed into the postcards," her older sister pointed out, "the guy at the bus stop with the turtle."

"Let's not forget how we got banned from Mattress Kingdom because you were flirting with the prince." Jared snapped. Eliza sulked.

"But guys, this is our chance for summer romance, true love...." Giselle exclaimed. "The most important part of our lives."

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