There shalt be parties

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Pinkie pie stepped out of Canterlot castle and onto the balcony, like her princess friend Twilight Sparkle.

Little did she ever think she'd be princess before her other four friends, it felt so uncalled for.

Now she had to give a small speech to all the ponies. She was uncomfortable: her horn ached and her wings twitched.

''Thanks every pony. This means a lot to a party pony like me! Without my friends this wouldn't have ever been possible. Oh and hey Derpy her Lyra hi Carrot to-" Pinkie was about to say hi to every single pony in the crowd when her friends whirled her around and hugged her.

Her pink dress was embroidered with gold emblem's of balloons on the edges. She wore a blue silk vest with it. Now she had a crown and her necklace, element, was larger and had many smaller balloon shaped gems on the gold trim.

Rarity had spoofed it up, as she did her and her other friends as well.

Pinkie enjoyed the after-party, she felt like she had to be formal now.

She gently ate a velvet cupcake and had marshmallow's dipped in chocolate fondue sauce.

She danced for the first three dances, but wound up tired after that.

Maybe princess business made her special talent no longer her own.

*dedicated to eternityreaper0 thanks so much for the ideas, you're awesome! comment, no hate, ~enjoy~*

Princess Pinkie PieWhere stories live. Discover now