Drew Grace Relia
Age- Most things she is 17.
Hair color- Dark brown
Eye color- Light Honey Brown
Height- Average.
Where is she from- She was born in raised in Chicago, so she didnt really grow up in a friendly enviorment, let alone her horrible alcholic parents.
Personality- Total badass. She has never really dated anyone cause honestly she is too scared of heartbreak. Only nice around her close friends. Super strong. Good leader
CHB cabin- Zeus
Fears- Nothing, except realtionships.
Normal style of clothes- Leather Jacket, Dark jeans, Nike.
Siblings- Younger Sister, about 13, Layla Rose Relia.
Sexuality- Asexual, but can be Gay.
My OC's!
ActionOk so this is not my idea what so ever, i got it from this person named Kaylee. This will be very similar to hers, except with my personal chracters. Thank you.