Part 9

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Help Slendas head perked up as she heard your voice, she communicated with the girls. As she sensed something was wrong with you, as she teleported to your location with the girls that's when they saw you. With the Slenderman reading your mind "GET OFF OF HIM"!!! Sally screamed as she took Jess's knife and stabbed Slenderman in the arm as he yelled out in pain, he was about to backhand her when Slenda grabbed his arm and growled "You don't dare lay a finger on my daughter and my man" she then got out her tentacles as she proceeded to impale him with them, he too took out his arms and they engaged in a heated battle, Jess fought her male self as sparks flew from their knives. Sally fought, her self as well but not a male it was her. As they too attacked each other, that's when you bolt up, you felt an insane energy burst go through you as you see Slenda being overpowered by the Slenderman, seeing this you got out your claws and attacked him, you stabbed your claws behind his knees as he cried out in pain you jumped up landing on his shoulders as you stomped down causing him to face plant, as you back flip you came crashing down and at the last second decapitated him with your claws. Blood sprayed everywhere on your body as his body went limp, you heard Zalgo say in a monotone voice "Useless" as he then with a wave of his hand brought the Slenderman back to life but with a few kinks to it. He was taller, larger, and mutated making him look messed up, his tentacles had spikes on them as he attacked you. Zalga attacked her male Counterpart she sent vile words towards him as they, crashed through the trees, they started shooting blue flames at each other the flames made them a fighting inferno. Slenda tried helping you out but you shouted "Stay back this is my fight"!!! As you were gonna pull his arms out of his body, something or someone sucker punched you across the face. You fell on your back but rolled back onto your feet, your jaw dropped as you stared at your doppelgänger but a female, she wore the same Colors as you. Your H/C, your E/C, your S/C, along with your F/C hoody with S/F/C pants, and your T/F/C shoes, she had claws like yours, her hair fell over her one eye, as she glared daggers at you. You both stood da wing off, Slenda, was using her telepathy to keep Slender down as she began to stab him over and over again, with her many arms and telepathy she tore him in half, and tossed him to Zalga as she burnt him to ashes. While Zalga was Distracted Zalgo was going to Finnish her off when Liu jumped out of nowhere and stabbed him in the shoulder Zalgo screeched in pain as he grabbed Liu and was gonna burn her alive when Jess yelled out in pure rage "GET YOUR HAND OFF MY SISTER"!!! She stabbed Zalgo in the Ribs as he dropped Liu they both retreated as Zalga finished burning Slenderman, and attacked Zalgo now, she had the upper hand. You faced your self as she had tears falling down her eyes as she watched he friends dying, you then got her attention as she glared and charged, you did the same as the two of you went back and fourth the fighting stopped as they watched the two of you nothing but fast moving blurs. You slammed her against a tree as she too did the same to you only adding the head slam to it, you two parried each other's blows, as you started to realize your both evenly matched, you then got an idea, as you spoke to Slenda Telepathically Slenda use your telepathy to hold her still, I'm gonna need to finish her off you then saw her struggle as she stopped completely, you then grew your claws as she stared at you fear in her eyes. "I'm sorry about this but I do this in order to survive" as you were about to deliver a fatal blow, Zalgo appeared out of nowhere and grabbed you and her before the three of you along with his proxies vanished out of thin air. Your girls all started panicking, as they realized your now in the clutches of Zalgo. "Zalga..." Slenda spoke as her sister limped up behind her "yes...sister"? She asked "This is all your fault" growled Slenda, Zalga looked hurt as she tried to make things right "Look I wanted power, but I also wanted to destroy you, and I'm sorry for that, but now we have a bigger problem, Zalgo he has Y/N we have to help him before he kills him". The girls agreed some of them crying as you were gone, Sally felt like the world has ended for her "if Y/N is dead I'm blaming you" said Slenda in a monotone voice as she turned to stare at Zalga, Zalga looked down obviously she felt ashamed. Slenda walked past her as the girls Followed, the new comers however stayed with Zalgo, as they asked Questions the one known as Ramona aka the Rake asked "Who was that guy and why is he so important"? Liu then spoke "I agree you and the others seemed to have a close bond to him, you even smiled, we haven't seen that before". Helen otherwise known as Bloody Painter asked "I have to admit he was cute, but he's so important to everyone we must get him back" Puppeteer was now pumped up "yeah if they mess with one of us they mess with all of us" Lazeri a now full grown adult answers for her mother "Girls let's leave her alone for now you girls go on ahead I'ma have a talk with my mother" the girls then left as Lazeri turned to her mother "ok" she spoke "no more secrets mom, tell me everything you know".

Hey my fellow readers leave comments on what you think, also if any of you want to do fan art please do, and if you have friends who are interested in creepypastas please tell them about my stories and if you want to follow me I always follow back so this is Susanoo and that's a Rap

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