Letters From Grunkle Ford

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Dipper dipped two pairs of  his middle and pointer fingers into a can of red paint and ran them across his cheeks with a determined look on his face. He was getting ready for the many obstacles that were going to come his way. He then taped stuffed animals to his body, with a green flashlight in his hand. He walked up to the mirror and inhaled, puffing up his chest. 

''Hey, there, Handsome, How's it goin'? Good? Good. Ready for a full day of flirting with the ladies?'' He then said to himself in rapid speed.

He then winked, smiled and pointed his fingers at the mirror. The mirror started to crack. He sighed.

''Aw... Forget it. I'm never gonna get a girlfriend, I was rejected by Wendy, so.... How could this be any different?''

He turned around and sighed again. He gasped. A mysterious, long package was suddenly in front of him.

Huh?  He thought to himself. That wasn't here when I came in....

He looked around to make sure no one was looking. Especially Mabel. She was very Nosy at times.

He then bent down and carefully unwrapped the package. He gasped, His eyes then widening and his pupils grew bigger. It was a sword. An awesome sword. But why was it there? Was it sent to the wrong house?

He then looked beside it and saw something white. He squinted his eyes. and placed his hand towards it. he then picked the thing up. It was another piece a paper. Two papers in Two days? What was going on?

He unfolded the folded paper. and Read aloud:

Dear Dipper,

This is my gift to you I left here just in case I die. Don't judge me. I have my standards.

Dipper sighed and rolled his eyes. He knew it was going to be from Grunkle Ford. He read on.

So here it is. Two big shiny swords With a journal between them.

Dipper gasped. He placed down the paper and picked up a sword by the handle. It was the biggest blade he had ever seen. He shivered in pleasure as he lifted it slowly. He then looked under it and saw a journal with golden six fingers with the number four on the cover. He gasped excitedly.

He then picked up the other sword and looked at it in amusement. He swung his new weapons around while grinning. That felt good. Very good.

He  grinned brightly. He then read on the paper:

I've hidden other little gifts around the house for everyone else. I hope you like them.

Always Yours,

Grunkle Ford

''Huh?'' Dipper asked himself. What did Grunkle Ford mean by that?

He then looked at the bottom of the paper and Read:

Ps. I've also hidden letters around the house. Find them all to see What I mean.

Dipper smiled. ''Thanks, Grunkle Ford.''

Just then, he heard whispers from the other side of the door. he  looked toward the door and walked slowly towards it.

Before he got to the door, He heard paper crumpling under his foot.

''What the-?'' 

He looked under his foot to see a piece of dusty paper. he stepped back and picked it up. He read:

Dear Stanford,

You may not know me, but I know you. My name is Audrey. I am the daughter of Bill Cipher.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2019 ⏰

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