Chapter 2 - Everything's Sweeter with Suga

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Waking up early the next morning, you discover Namjoon still in your bed, arm draped over your back and curled up on your pillow facing you. 'He's so cute when he's sleeping', you think to yourself, brushing the hair from his forehead. Namjoon's eyes crinkle for a moment and he wakes, looking at you with a smile. 'Thank God I wasn't dreaming', you say internally.

Looking at the clock, you see that it's already 6am. Sitting up fast, you point at the clock and Namjoon starts to panic. He hurries to leave your room and slip back into his own before anyone sees him, giving you a quick kiss on the way out. Now that you are up and alone, you take the opportunity to get out your laptop and set up your recording equipment.

A job well done, you decide to reward yourself with some breakfast. Throwing on some jeans and a t-shirt, you head down the elevator to the first floor and cautiously peek your head around the hall corner. The coast seems clear so you sneak quietly into the kitchen and start making some eggs and bacon. The aroma of the sizzling meat draws attention.

Thinking that Jin is up making breakfast, Suga stumbles out of his room to mooch some food. Turning the corner, he rubs his eyes and opens them to see you standing there in a pink apron. He quickly hides back around the corner and peeks out, watching you. Thinking you are alone, you start to sing as you cook, moving your hips to the beat in your head.

"All right, banbokdwen shisogeim ijeseoya kkeuncheul naeboryeo hae, All right, jigyeon shisogeim, nugungan yeogiseo naeryeoya dwae, hal sun eopjiman", you sing the imaginary chorus line, starting to copy Suga's dance

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"All right, banbokdwen shisogeim ijeseoya kkeuncheul naeboryeo hae, All right, jigyeon shisogeim, nugungan yeogiseo naeryeoya dwae, hal sun eopjiman", you sing the imaginary chorus line, starting to copy Suga's dance.

Suga hides back around the wall, hand on his chest with slightly elevated breathing, 'She's singing MY song!', he yells in his head. Daring to peek around the corner again, he leans out too far and stumbles out into the open.

Turning around to grab the eggs on the island counter behind you, you see him standing there. He quickly composes himself, putting his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.

"Good morning, Suga!", you say with a smile that nearly kills him, "I didn't wake you, did I?"

"No, I was already awake.", he lies. He comes to sit down on a bar stool at the island counter and eyes the bacon in the frying pan.

"Are you hungry?", you ask, noticing him clearly staring at the food.

"No... I'm fine.", he says and hunches into his chair, looking away.

Betraying his words, his stomach growls and you turn away snickering to yourself, adding a few more pieces of bacon to the pan and cracking a couple more eggs.

"Here.", you put a plate in front of him.

"Well, since you already made it, I guess I'll eat it.", he says, pulling up his hood, trying to hide the faint blush on his face.

Namjoon comes out into the kitchen, "What smells so good??"

Namjoon comes out into the kitchen, "What smells so good??"

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