What is this feeling?

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(Uggghhhhhh, sorry guys. This chapter isn't my best, I promise the story will soon be moving along!)

(All characters belong to Aphmau, hope you enjoy!)

Chapter 8: What is this feeling?

(Zane POV)

We are staring into each other's eyes. It's almost feels natural, but I quickly look down and pull her burnt hand closer. I take the ice pack and place it gently into her hand.

"OW!" She instantly jerks back a bit. "S-Sorry." She looks down, embarrassed.

CRAP I HURT HER...I MEAN UM OOPS! "It's okay, don't worry. I'm sorry if I hurt you!" I start wrapping the bandage carefully, wrapping it around the ice pack to tightly keep it in place. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I was overcome with blushing, but I needed to help her.

No, I wanted to help her.

"No, it wasn't Zane~Kun. But, thank you. Kawaii~Chan really appreciates it!" She flashes a big cheesy grin at me.

After a while of awkward conversation, I finish wrapping up her hand.

She then quickly turns on her heel to pick up the tray of cupcakes. None had proceed to fall on the ground, they were stuck in the pan that burnt her hand.

"Ahhhhh, Kawaii~Chan's cupcakes! None survived." True, most were severely overcooked, burnt to a crisp, looked like a pan of rocks.

I look back at Kawaii~Chan, who was flooded with sadness.

"I'm sorry KC." Not very surprising but, I could easily read her expressions, almost how everything is over reacted in Anime.

"It's not Zane~Kun's fault! It's Kawaii~Chan's, But it's okay. She can try again later." She did seem determined to try again!

I give her a reassuring smile, turning away from the sink, I see a glimpse of the world outside her house. Then it hit me, it was late. And my roommates, Garroth and Laurance are probably searching for me. Crap.



"Um, I have to go. It's almost 11. My roommates probably think I'm dead."

"Haha! Okay, Zane~Kun! I hope you enjoyed baking with Kawaii~Chan! And sorry for the fire..." She looks down guilty of the accident.

I chuckle a little, "It's okay. And yeah, I do really enjoy baking with you!"

I start making my way toward the door, Kawaii~Chan following closely behind me. I open the door, stepping out. Being hit with a rush of cold wind, instantly making me shiver.

I turn to KC, seeing her stand in the doorway. I smile, waving at her, "Um, goodnight KC."

I quickly leave. I knew I had to get home quickly.

(Time jump to a couple weeks later...because I'm too lazy...)

I'm sitting in the living while Garroth and Laurance are watching TV.

Garroth suddenly turned to me, "Hey, baby brother? Did you hear that Aphmau is hosting a party at the Maid Cafe?"

"What are you talking about Garroth?" I know, that Aphmau would tell me if anything like this was happening.

"I heard that she was inviting everyone on our street. I don't know what it's for, but she's hosting it just for us."

"Uh, I—" my phones start to buzz sending off a bright light. I look to find a text within a group chat, inviting everyone on the street to that 'party'. Huh, wonder if KC is going...wait....why am I thinking about her?

"Oh, yeah Garroth, she just sent out an invite to everyone. And it says it's tomorrow." Looks like I might be going to a party tomorrow, wonder what I'm going to wear...

"Ohhh, sounds like fun!"

I couldn't help but think if Kawaii~Chan was going. Seeing as I wasn't interested in my roommates; I run up to my room and flop onto my bed. I start to text KC letting my curiosity get the best of me. 

(Below are text messages.)


Z: Hey KC? Are you going to the party. I mean...I was just wondering.

KC: Kawaii~Chan is probably going. She doesn't have anything else that day.

Z: Cool I guess I'll see you there

KC: hehe! :33

I curl up with the pillow placed at the top of my bed. Letting my phone light fade off on its own, I slowly drift off to sleep.

I am easily woke by the sound of my alarm, blaring in my face. I wake up, it's 10 o'clock. Why is it so early?

Anyways, this gives me 2 hours to get ready.

I start with a nice hot shower. Next, I browse through my closet to settle with a pair of black jeans, a nice plaid shirt, and my black mask. Then, unto my hair. The same style as always, one swoop over one eye. This is the result of suffering permanent eye damage from a snowball being thrown at me as a child... yeah.

I check my phone, quickly asking Aphmau if I need to bring anything to the party.

She responded with sodas! cool...

It's the off to the store, I quickly pick up multiple different types of canned soda and then head to the party. 

Zane~Chan/ Zana: Is this love?Where stories live. Discover now