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      This is what I will do to make the ship come true.Me:ERROR I DARE YOU TO KISS INK! ErrorwHaT!nO!D:<Ink:>//< Me*Pushes Error onto Ink*>:3 me:You are Kissing! >:3 Error:iM gOiNg tO kIlL yOu! Me*teleports out of here*Ink: .////.
                <SOMEBODY PLEASE ASK ME SOMETHING><I wanna add crossmare to this shipping void what do you think?> Error had pulled away from ink after threatening to kill meh.Ink was a literal rainbow and error's face was completely yellow with blush.Dream randomly came there for a while with nobody :P . Dream:When are there gonna be kids😏, then dream left.<oof>(Error is that one targeted person for trolling .-.)

Ask or dare error x Ink(cover art is not mine)Where stories live. Discover now