The Wolf

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Written By: WhiteFangLilWolf (Not the same name as the original name due to confidentiality)
Co-Written By: Peigen Dan, Ryder Lee (Not the same name as the original name due to confidentiality)
Poetry completion: 16th November 2018
Analysis date: 25th November 2018
Releasing date islandwide: 25th November 2018

Note: This is a poetry that is registered for reading and analysing purposes. Re-copying or duplicating of this document will be severely dealt with under the copyright infringement law and Copyright Clause under Artical 1, Section 8 of the copyright act.

Author: WhiteFangLilWolf

The Wolf

The Wolf of the great forest of spirits
With a thousand lies yet a fake disguise
The pain of the injuries and battle scars
Goes back to the day when he fell apart.

Gunshots and machine guns were heard
Trees falling apart, fire igniting towards the sky, a true battle starts officially.
The Wolf was seen embarking a new journey
Where the sun never sets or rises

The nights came watching over the creatures
Reminds The Wolf meeting it's own owner
Shows how much courage and vigilance
As the wolf goes back to where it started.

The owner hugs The Wolf
Showing deepest respect of it
Into an open meadow's dawn
As the Wolf follows the owner and breaks a log of a tree while walking.

This most strong yet saddest wolf
This irritable and torturing
This most extreme origin story
This most untrue
This untold.

End of Poem/Poetry

The following questions are directly taken from:

- The same poem for the same exam in tertiary schools in malaysia, 2018.
-The same poem for the same exam in normal practice of few private university schools in different countries of 2018.
-The standard marking scheme of WhiteFangLilWolf in his relief duties days in military studies.

Section C (total of 50marks)
Spend about 30-45minutes in this section. Think carefully about the poem before you write your answers. Read the poem carefully.

1) Write about the poem and it's effect on you. (40 marks)
You may wish to include some or all of these points:
-the content of the poem
-the ideas that the poet may have wanted us to think or analyse about
-how it is written (example: sentence structures or word choices that the poet used, any phrases that catches your attention.)
-your response to the poem.

2) Describe the mood and atmosphere of the poem. (10 marks)
- looking for certain literature keywords and terms based on the poetry.

You can answer these questions in your free time or to improve yourself in future poetry book writings in out-performing yourself.
You can:
- reply your answers directly here
-create your own story, tag me or message me to read your answer regarding the poetry or poem.

I am definitely willing to teach and guide all of my poet students or friends or review them on behalf. Cheers and have a good day ahead. ~WhiteFangLilWolf

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