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   author/reader pov:

You stared blankly at your blank notebook unsure of what to do. Last night you finally had the courage to face the stranger(or thing) that has been appearing every time you go to sleep, only to be diasapointed that when you tried to hit him(or it) with your roomate's lucky baseball bat(that you "borowed" and put it underneath your bed, just in case things got a little scary) it went right through the stranger's body. After that you raced out of your room, and have been sleeping in the living room couch for over a week already....

"Hey are you alright?"

     The sudden slap on the back from your roomie, shocked you out of your thoughts, and made you fall off your seat. You quickly got up before anyone in the classroom noticed(In this story, you are college freshman). Blushing madly with embarrasment, you pulled your roomie by the collar of her hoodie, as you furious whispered,"Why the hell did you do THAT for!?"

    Your roomie sighed as she brushed off your tiger grip(Your roomie is pretty strong, afterall she plays for the school's softball team) and leaned to the back of her seat,"Jeez man, don't take it personal, but you were spaced out for 30 minutes straight. If I didn't do anything, you would have missed the entire lecture."

"Sorry, it's that I don't know how to confront something and it's been on my head since-" you were cut off by your roomie's fake cough,"Your 18th birthday, yeah I kinda guessed something must be troubling you. Listen, don't let fear control you, you gotta dominate it."

You groaned as you went back to "listening" to the lecture.

***time skip***

only reader pov:

In front of my bedroom door, I was turning into a nervous wreck, but my roomate's words gave me the strength to reach for the handle, slowly open the door, and walk insto my room with eyes staring to the ground...

"I was starting to wonder how long it would take you to come back"

To be continued........

Ghost boy x girl (lemon)Where stories live. Discover now