The Crazy life of living with One Direction

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                     The prologue

 The crazy thing that happened when I finally met One Direction. Lets just say the boys where very nice an welcomeing. Except for Zayn he was supposed to be very nice just like the others. But he wasn't. He threw a fit and they had to leave the meet an greet with a very special girl. " I can't believe you did that Zayn." Harry said " I couldn't stand all the blubbering geez you can't blame me it was really annoying." Zayn protested. " Regardless of what was annoying she was still a fan and she loved us." Harry yelled. After the explosion between Harry and Zayn the boys left an went to their house. "Hey, guys we have rehearsal in the morning. Liam said. " Okay" they said in unison. So the boys went upstairs to their rooms to get rested up for tomorrow.

            The next day Niall came running out of his room screaming. "I'm hungry! Somebody wake up and make me some food please." Niall walked down the stairs an into the kitchen. A few minutes later Louis came down the stairs. "Niall what is for breakfast?" Louis asked. " I don't know what are you making?": Niall asked. " I make breakfast everyday Niall." Louis said. " That's true but you are the only one up." Niall said. "Well you will have to wait for somebody to get up because I have to get ready to see Eleunor. " Louis explained."What are you and Eleunor going to do today?" Niall asked."That's personal." Louis retreated. "Well okay then." Niall said. Soon after Niall an Louis' discussion about who's making food an such. Harry came struting into the kitchen. " Good morning everyone." Harry yawned. " Good morning Harry!" Everyone said enthusiasticaly. Louis walked over to Harry and put his arm around his shoulder. "How you feeling today?" Louis asked " I feel like crap Louis." Harry said. " Here sit down so I can take you temperture. " Louis said.

          " You have a 102.5 temp. we need to take you to the hospital." Louis said. Louis grabbed Harry by the waist and guided him to the van. They were almost close to the hospital until I see a girl around Harry's age one the street and she looked kinda in a bad way so i pulled over the van and she walked up to it and was really concerned about Harry. "Hi, my name is Alexis sorry to interrupt you but he don't look well and I am a big fan of you both an I am homeless would it be ok if I stay wih you for a while?" Alexis asked. " I don't see why not but let me get Harry here to the hospital. you are welcome to tag along if you like." Louis said.

        All three of us walked into the hospital. The lady at the receptionist desk wasn't very nice. She told Harry to sit down an wait to be called. We sat there for not even kidding two an a half hours. We waited an waited an still no one called us. Finally a really nice lady came walking up to us. "Harry Styles please come with me." Harry and I got up an walked into the room the nurse did. "What has been bothering you?" The nurse asked " His right side of his stomach hurts." louis said. "Okay lets see what's going on." The nurse said. the doctor put her hands on the right side of Harry's body and pushed in. "Let's go get an x-ray. Then if that dont work we an try a CAT scan." "Okay sounds good to me" I said. After the nurse took Harry. I walk  over to Alexis an sat down in the chair seriously scared for Harry. " Do you think Harry will be ok?" I asked Alexis. " I don't know maybe I sure hope so." Alexis said.

                Harry's P.O.V

      The nurse came an picked me up from my emergency room. "what do you think is wrong with me?" I asked " i think your appendix is going bad." the nurse said. "We will have you sit here and wait for the x-ray technician to come get you." The nurse said. While I am sitting here waiting for the technician to come back I can't wait until it is over. Yay! here she comes. "Harry I am going to ask you to turn on your right side an lay competely still." the nurse said.  The nurse took x-rays of my right side to see if i broke anything. Which I knew I didn't because I didn't do anything. I wonder how Louis is doing. The technicion took me to a room where they can gave me a Cat scan. "Harry I am going to have you lay still until I come in to move you ok?" The nurse said. "ok, are we almost done with this yet? " I asked. "Yes, you are almost done." the nurse left the room I started to sing. The nurse came back in a few minutes later. "Mr. Styles are you ready to go back to you room?" the nurse helped me back into the wheelchair. We walked slowly into the room. "Please get into the bed an the doctor will be right in. "Okay, Thank you for everything." I said "What do you think is wrong Harry?" Louis asked. "Well she thinks that my appendix is going bad but we will see." I told Louis. "Okay that's not good." Louis said. "I can't wait until the doctor comes so I know what is wrong with me . " I stated soon after I sat down on my bed the doctor came in. "Harry I am sorry to tell you this but you are going to have to get your appendix out." The doctor announced. " Does that mean I have to stay here over night because we have a concert to perform tomorrow night?" I asked. "Well, no but you don't have to come back afterwords. Is that a deal?" the doctor asked. "Yes, thanks so much." I said right after we made our deal I was discharged from the hospital.

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