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Ok, so this dream is really weird as by weird you'll find out in the end but yeah as you read it you'll get it.

I walked down through down the staircase to my basement. (I don't freaking have a basement wtf is my mind) I for some reason was tense. I see a black box with some summoning drawings drawn on the floor. (We're summoning the Devil y'all) I already regret coming back down again. When I chickened out and started backing up to leave the box glowed red and a tall blacked hair man came out. I was speechless because of his looks his eyes were so red and I was just so drawn to it. Apparently, he was drawn to me as well because he reached his hand out and pulled me closer to him.

(Here is where it gets kinda weird) I then see NCT's Mark just there and I yell at him to leave I didn't want him to be caught by him as well. (Oh really *insert lenny face*) He quickly does and I breathe a sigh of relief but there was still one problem. He was still there. I pulled my arm towards me and told him to let go. Instead, he did the opposite and pulled me into the box with him. At this time I was really scared both him and my surroundings I could tell I was maybe in a tower-like house. He starts walking somewhere and I follow since he still has my arm in his hold.

But when he wasn't looking as he dragged me through the halls I pulled my arm out of his hold and ran for it. He, of course, ran after me. I was instantly teleported into a black space. I froze in place. I was too scared to make a move. He comes in the space and he leads me back to the hallway again. I felt I needed to get out of here. Anywhere but not here. As stupid as I was I took another chance of escaping I succeeded only to find myself in my middle school cafeteria (You see how weird this is) thankfully it was crowded but I could see him appearing near the doors that come into the cafeteria. I tried to hide but failed his eyes met mine and I knew it was game over. I started running knowing he was coming close behind. I just sprinted towards one of the tables and hid under one that was really crowded.

For some time I waited under the table my breathing relaxed and I hoped he wouldn't find me soon. But for some reason, somebody left the table and from that person leaving there was a huge gap. I saw his footstep nearing and I stopped breathing for a second. I hoped he wouldn't see me but to no avail, I saw a girl staring right at me so he probably now knows where I am. He looks down and I could see his red eyes staring right at me. I grumbled in defeat and he held out his hand and I reluctantly took it. Instead of us in a hallway, we were in a room. I didn't know what I was looking at and so I took a step closer. I instantly regretted it. I saw myself lying on the floor. I ran to myself and started shaking myself to wake up. (Warning a bit creepy/horror I suggest to skip if u hate these things I'm kinda scarred for life by having this image recurring in my mind so much) I see a purple vein sneak up my lifeless chin and I see myself open my eyes. I instantly ran to his side and to my horror I saw myself start laughing hysterically. I watched as I saw myself stand up and walk aimlessly laughing hysterically. I asked if we could leave. And with the scared look, I gave him he teleported us out the room and into his bedroom was what I guessed.

After everything settles I started to cry because I was so scared. I curled up and was a mess on the floor. He must have pitied me because he hugged me and stroked my head to calm me. I kinda felt secure a bit in his arms and the stroking calmed me down and my crying stopped. He then left to take a shower as so I assumed when I heard water. And just sat there on the floor. Until I saw two locks on a door and started to turn them after a bit of turning the door opened. All I saw were clothes but I stopped and sat back down again on the carpeted floor. I was too scared to do anything. And then everything blacked out.

Ey that's the end of the dream. You see how weird it is now. What's even weird was, in the beginning, I had long curly hair with a half bun but when we were at the creepy part I somehow turned myself into NCT's Ten so imagine the scene with Ten as me and me on the floor. Tbh I freaked out and didn't know wtf happened in the dream. But I hope you like my dream and can't wait for more messed up dreams in my messed up head.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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