★ | 020. be mine forever

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Book: Charity Case, Original Story
Chapter 20: Be Mine Forever
Word Count: 1148

Book: Charity Case, Original StoryChapter 20: Be Mine Forever  Word Count: 1148

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"How is everything going?"

Alec looked to the side, seeing the concerned stare of his boyfriend and he smiled. He ad officially moved into John's home a couple weeks ago and so far, everything was fine. They had had a few arguments here and there but that was expected.

Ethan was even allowed to come over and sleep now. Alec still wasn't allowed to sleep over at the Downing household and if Samantha had her way, he wouldn't even be allowed to set foot in the house. He was to happy to care about that though.

"Good." Alec nodded, looking out at the waves. "Everything is going surprisingly good."

Ethan smiled brightly and leaned his head on his shoulder. The couple were at the beach having some time to themselves. The weather was perfect for it. Not to hot and not to cold. The sand feeling brilliant between their toes.

All of a sudden Alec started laughing and Ethan lifted his head to look at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What's so funny?" He asked.

"Nothing, nothing. I just realised that I never officially asked you to be my boyfriend." Alec grinned down at Ethan.

Ethan looked ahead, trying to think back if Alec was telling the truth or not. He gasped when he realised Alec was right and laughed as well. "You might not have officially asked but I've been telling everyone you're my boyfriend so you can't back out of that commitment now."

"Like I'd ever want to lose the best thing that's ever happened to me." Alec said, pure love and adoration in his eyes.

Ethan felt his heart swell and his cheeks turn a dark shade of red.

"However, I do think it's necessary to ask. You deserve that much." Alec swivelled his body around so he was facing Ethan, being so close that their knees were touching as they sat with their legs criss-crossed.

He looked nervous all of a sudden and Ethan placed a hand on his leg. "What just happened? Why do you look like you're about to piss yourself." He teased. "You already know what my answer is going to be."

Alec put his hand in his pocket and brought out with him a small box. "I, uh, I got you something." He moved the box around in his hand, keeping his eyes on it.

Ethan's eyes widened as he looked at the box and gulped. "Y-You're not asking me to marry you, are you? Because you know I love you but we're not even eighteen yet and I just think this is a little soon... then again, I have had my wedding planned since I was little and we could do it as soon as we turned eighteen."

He stopped talked when Alec started waving his hands back and forth frantically. "This isn't an engagement ring! I'm not asking you to marry me." The fact that Ethan was actually considering already getting married made Alec feel like he was going to pass out. He shook the feeling off.

"Oh? Then what is it?" Ethan asked, feeling a little bit better. He might want to get married badly but he knew neither of them were ready for that. A guy could dream though.

"It's just a small thing I picked up. It's nothing fancy but..." Alec opened the box and showed it to him. Within it was a silver ring. "I wanted you to have something from me. I-It was all I could afford." He stammered, feeling guilty he couldn't get him something better.

Ethan smiled softly and took the ring. "I love it." He paused and squinted his eyes as he looked closer to the inside of the ring. "What does-"

"Don't worry about that part." Alec cut him off. Ethan raised his eyebrows, waiting for an explanation and Alec sighed, "I couldn't afford to have the ring engraved so I tried to do it myself. It looks like shit, I know."

The inside of the ring had messy letters that if you really stared long and hard as, you could kind of tell it was their initials. However, if you didn't know the back story you would think it was just a damaged ring.

Ethan loved it even more knowing that fact. It would be an inside joke he and Alec could have. "This is amazing. Thank you so much." He gushed and put the ring on. "How did you get the money for this?"

"I did some chores around the house. Washing the dishes and mowing the yard. I saved up enough in no time." Alec smiled, proud of himself. "So, now I can ask you the question. Ethan Downing, will you be my boyfriend."

Ethan playfully rolled his eyes, "even though we were already boyfriends. Yes, I will still be your boyfriend." 

Alec wrapped his arms around him and basically tacked him into the sand, the two boys laughing happily at each other. As Ethan laid on his back, not caring that sand was getting all through his hair, Alec leaned up next to him, staring him deep in the eyes.

"What's that look?" Ethan whispered, reaching his hand up to gently place on the side of Alec's cheek.

Alec leaned into the touch and sighed in relaxation. "It's the I'm so fucking in love with you look." He answered.

Ethan moved his hand from his cheek to the back of his neck and pulled him down so their foreheads were resting together. "I'm so fucking in love with you to." He replied softly.

It felt like time had gone so quick since he had met Ethan. He felt like a completely different person to when they first met and he was. Ethan had changed him for the better and now he found himself smiling most says instead of wanting to cry.

He never would have thought one person could change so much for him. He felt like he could finally breath peacefully.

He leaned down and connected his lips to Ethan's in a soft and slow kiss. A kiss that expressed just how much the two loved and wanted to be with each other.

In that moment, Alec could safely say, he was happy and he hoped he could make this feeling last forever.

★ ★ ★

Authors Note: See below!

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Consider supporting me on Patreon and/or following me on YouTube 💕 Links in my bio.

This chapter was pretty short but I felt that I didn't need to drag it on. There is only one more chapter left of this book and then it is over. I can't believe it. I loved writing it so much and found it so easy and fun.

I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. Hopefully the final chapter will be up within the next couple of days.

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