I haven't really updated my books in such a long time but I have been drawing recently so imma shows u guys some of my drawings.
It's a GIF that from when I first did it too when I edited it with color.
I really hope u guys like it but here is another drawing of mine.
This is one of my own drawings I did (the other one was free hand of another drawing) It's really crappy to me but I hope u guys enjoy it.
I little-known fact bout me is that I taught myself how to freehand and draw. I am better a free handing other people's drawings. You may call it coping but I'm not touching anything but my pencil and my sketchpad.
I don't like coping but freehanding is my learning for my self. It's better than coping off the screen.
So how much u like the drawings?
Rate 1-100.
Bai my little potatoes!!!!