Shrek's excellent adventure to North Korea.

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Shrek had to decide what he would take with him to North Korea.

Flex tape, surely. He needed to make sure he could patch the plane up if it sank whilst he was travelling.

Shrek had never travelled on a plane, and thought it was just another word for a dinghy.

He also wanted to take some Xanax, in case he got hungry.

Clothes, he certainly needed clothes, right?

But Shrek had nothing but filthy brown shirts (Originally, these shirts were a pretty yellow.) and vests made out of donkey skins.

That's another thing, he had to take the trampling donkey for safety.

Safety, and a fresh resource for donkey skin vests.

What would he wear besides this, though?

He had to be stylish to go to such a slim country in order to survive... But, where would he get such clothes?

Perhaps, he thought, there would be stylish clothes at the mortuary?

People who die, usually die in a stylish way.

Although, they'd smell like a donkey.

Shrek couldn't think of smelling like a donkey for North Korea..

"CIRCLE K!" He blurted out.

A true epiphany had overcome him.

Maybe he could even get that high quality Victoria's Secret perfume that Fiona wears.

He made his way to Heathrow airport, but what if?

What if they got him deported? they were very racist people after all along with the fact that his photosynthesis worthy skin was a bit to different or their liking.

So Shrek, decided it was worth the risk. Walking through customs, shouting "Aye, me hearty!"

If they thought he was a pirate they might not deport him...

He feigned a disgusting smile, that didn't actually look like a smile in the slightest.

It was more like if he was told to kiss Michael Jackson before his plastic surgery.

He went into the airport lounge, and suddenly realised he didn't even buy a ticket.

How was he to get to the slimmest of slim countries, North Korea?

Would he have to sacrifice his wig once more?

Or could he become Batman, the plant version..?

Of course not.

 He had to ricochet off the window, as he listened to the air hostess shout "No Jennifer, we can't make you a sandwich!!1!1!"

"But I want mom's spaghetti!" Jennifer shouted back.


Maybe he could slim some of his onion layers, as he slinged directly onto the body of the airplane.

The air hostess looked at him there from the now broken window, and shouted "Safe flight, keep the wig on tight!" she waved.

"Thank yah lady!" Shrek shrieked in his most authentic pirate voice.

Then the plane got ready, zooming on the run away at the speed of light. Passengers of the plan then jumped out giving it a push start. It was a 50/50 chance as to whether they'd manage to get back in.

The plane zoomed off in the air and managed to fly unlike the plane in 9/11.


next chapter shall be out one fine day, like that exists

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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