• sorry to wait you long•
Everest's POV:
I don't know what happened to Skye is she is her mind? She turn to evil but why is she turn to evil?
DS: hey! Are you trying to call the leader of PAW patrol?
Everest: Ryder come in quick!
Ryder: hi Everest wait is that?
Everest: yeah is Skye and she got crazy come here quick
•DS put Everest to a sack•
Ryder: EVEREST!! Paw patrol to the look out quick
Pups {except the girls}: Ryder needs us!
Chase: PAW patrol are ready for action Ryder sir!
Ryder: pups I need all of you to save the girls
Marshall: huh?
Ryder: I mean to that Skye got crazy said Everest and Skye put Everest on sack
Pups {except from girls}: *Gasp*
Chase and Marshall: let's go go go!!
•they go to Jake's mountain•
Jake: hey PAW patrol did you see Everest?
Marshall: no but Ryder said Skye get Everest on sack
Jake: ohh... no! She crush my phone using her "laser blaster" did Skye have that one?
Ryder: no, she have only jets
Jake: and her outfit is not that she using to?
Ryder: what happened to Skye?
Chase: Ryder we need to save them! Before its to late!
Ryder: all of us are going to MH's place go go go!
•they go to MH's place•
Everest: hey let me out!
Clint {pup}: I don't think so?
Everest: who are you!?
Clint: I'm just your ex...
Everest: *thinking* oh my gosh Clint!?
Clint: hey!? Are you ok?
Everest: please let me out!!
Clint: I say never I'm sorry
Everest: Clint I thought your bad?
Clint: * turn into low voice* I'm just pretending that I'm bad don't worry I'll save you later
Everest: okay just be safe
Clint: I will {leave}
Everest: *thinking* Clint I'm sorry what I did I still love you
Clint:*thinking* I love you too Everest 😔
Dark Skye: hey! Where have you been?
Clint: just cheaking...
Dark Skye: Everest?! Just CHEAKING EVEREST?! HOW DARE YOU!?
Clint: Im just cheaking her if she have a plan to escaped!
Dark Skye: I'm your GF so don't you ever think that you going to made a plan to!?
Clint: are you mad?
Dark Skye: no I'm just dissapoint at you..
MH: hey you two why are you fighting?
Dark Skye: its non of your business!
MH: I'm your boss
Dark Skye: I don't care if you are my boss!!
MH: grrr....
Dark Skye: and besides you can not active you invention why? If you gonna kick me out I'm just holding the controller
MH: no I never do that to my pup {pat Skye's head}
Dark Skye: hey!!
Clint:{get the key}and{walk out}
•back at Everest•
Everest: *starting to cry* sa... Save me 😢
Clint: stop crying Everest...
Everest: Clint!
•Clint open the cage•
Everest:{hugs Clint} thank you
Clint: 0--0 E.. Everest?
Everest: oopss sorry Clint
Clint: hey umm Everest?
Everest: yes?
Clint: I just wanna say...
Everest: I love you Clint..
Clint: I love you too Everest
Everest: come back?
Clint: what?
Everest: I mean to that we are together now? Again?
Clint: *smirk*
Everest: yay!
•hug each other and Skye saw them•
Dark Skye: grrr imposters!
Ryder X Katie
RomanceHere is the first story of Ryder X Katie that they will be together forever I hope you will follow me as Cutie_Evershall01