N I N E T E E N | D I N N E R

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I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done.

Lucille Ball ~

Dylan Chambers

The sun shined came through between the curtains and blinded my eyes as soon as I opened it. "Ugh," I groaned before I looked at the clock on the nightstand. It's already seven in the morning and I could hear my people were chatting and having breakfast downstairs. 

 I got up and got myself ready before I walked downstairs to meet them. Arrived in the kitchen, I saw Adam's playing with Lucas while Dean's chatting with some warriors, the Deltas. "Daddy!" Lucas called out, brightly. 

I smiled and came towards him before I hold him into my arms. I kissed his cheeks, "How's your sleep last night?" 

"Lucas slept like a baby, Dy!" Dean screamed, teasing Lucas. Adam and my people laughed when they heard Lucas argued back. "You're the one who slept like a baby, still putting your thumb in your mouth," 

Dean gasped before ran to us and took Lucas away from me. I could hear their whisper even though they were far away from all of us. Don't underestimate our hearing ability. "You promise that you won't tell anyone," 

Lucas chuckled and said that Dean the one who broke the promise first by telling others that Lucas slept like a baby. I smiled and shook my head before I went to make my breakfast. I made some pancake and put the honey on them. 

"How's your sleep last night?" Adam asked me while finishing his meal. I nodded as I was munching the food in my mouth. "Better," Adam nodded and told me to follow him after I finished with my breakfast. 

I nodded again and finished my meal. 


"Why we here?" I asked Adam who turned off the engine of the car. Adam has brought Lucas, Dean and me to the shopping mall without telling any reason. 

"Follow me, and you will know why," Then, he walked out of the car and went inside of the mall with Lucas grabbing his left hand and Dean was grabbing Lucas right hand. I followed beside Adam and walked anywhere he brought us. 

Toy's shop. I could sense slightly reason for Adam brought us here. "I see you want me to spend time with Lucas today while you two going to walk around the mall, killing the time," 

They smiled and nodded without any words, they walked away from Lucas and me, leaving us in the Toy's shop. "Daddy, can I buy some toys here? They look awesome!" Lucas exclaimed, looking around inside the Toy's shop. 

"Alright, but only three, okay?" He nodded and went to pick his favourite one. After an hour of choosing Lucas's toys, we went for eating at the nearest diner. We ordered our food and talked to each other about anything — his school, my work and Lucas's hobbies. 

"Why are you so distant these past days?" Lucas looked into my eyes, upset. 

I surprised by his sudden change of mood. I avoided looking at him as the food came, "Let's eat first, okay?" 

He nodded, still not satisfied.

As we were eating, I heard Lucas talking about the girl who saved him before. He looked so happy talking about her like they were close to each other. I smiled and stopped eating the food. "How does she looks like?" 

Lucas seemed wanted to remind how she looked. "She has a beautiful, soft brown hair and black eyes. Oh, and she is very kind, I like her," Lucas kept rambling about her good side and all, smiling happily. 

But, Lucas's face immediately turned sad. "What is it, pal?" I asked him, and Lucas pouted said that he did only know the girl's name is Vy, and nothing more. "Don't worry, I'm sure you will meet her soon," Lucas beaming and finished his food before we leaving to our home. 

"Boys, Lucas and I go back home first, are you done touring around the mall?" I called Adam as we came into the car. "Wait up! We're on our way to the car, " 

So, arrived at the house, I went straight to take a bath before I went downstairs to the kitchen for making dinner to the pack. 

Cutting vegetables, chopping the meat and washing the remaining fruits and veggies. 

It has been a long time not to cook a meal for myself or even for the pack. I stopped cooking when my wife left me. I shut myself out in my room, away from everyone even from Lucas. I couldn't bear to watch how Lucas's appearance resembles his mother so much.

"What the hell!" I heard gasped and yelled behind me. I turned quickly and saw my pack gathered, watching me cooking the meals. "What hell?" I asked, calmly. 

"You cook, bro!" Dean yelled. Ahh! My ears!

"I heard you loud and clear, Dean, I'm not deaf, yet," 

Adam stared at me, disbelief. "Sorry, Dy, it's rare to see you cook these days, right guys?" I heard they answered yes. 

I sighed and got ready to put the meals on the dining table with the help from Adam and Dean. Tonight's dinner was so delightful and mouthwatering — Sweet, Sticky and Spicy Chicken, Ethiopian Cabbage Dish and Double Tomato Bruschetta, a favourite meal for my son, Lucas.

"Smell tasty!" Lucas beamed as he ran downstairs to meet a pleasant smell in the kitchen. He came and gulped when he saw the meals served on the table. 

"Let's eat, Lucas," Dean invited Lucas only to meet he nodded quickly and went to take a seat beside me. "Who cooked these meals?" Lucas asked Adam who sat beside him. Adam and Dean smiled and pointed to me without giving any hints!

"Seriously, dad! You cook?" He asked, disbelief. Dean laughed and agreed with Lucas that he also still couldn't believe I can cook. Is it too weird to see me cook? Or they just not get used to it?

I coughed and told them to dig in the meals quickly if they didn't want me drove them away from the dining room. They hurriedly tasted my food with delight and praised my food at the same level as the meals from five stars hotel!

I chuckled and ate food. "I missed my cook," I murmured, enjoying tonight's dinner. I looked outside, rain pouring heavily and thunderstorm booming hard. 

Where are you? Is she safe, somewhere far from me? Is she has eaten her dinner? Please, let me see you again, let me smell your intoxicating scent, let me touch your soft and wavy black hair, I miss every part of you.

1095 WORDS

Hope you enjoy!

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