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Journal entry:

LA, Cali. Entry 1. Introduction.

Annika Sherlin, a blonde beauty, higher than average student, socialite,

boyfriend: to-die-for Blake Bentwood (hold the jokes please..)

Charles Belvebere RuinaeIter, the ever un-preasant father, a rich company sole proprieter (owns his own massive company) from Transylvania.

Kristen Sherlin, loving, famous mother.

well, this is my .. third journal?

Annika was furious today, which was a change, since mother has been dead about six months and all she'd done since then was cry. father came back, and has demanded we leave high school early to go to university in Moscow like he did at 16. Annika argued that she couldn't leave her friends, boyfriend, or the california sun and life. father heard none of it, so i assume we're moving.

LA, Cali. Entry 23.

Father has bought over the company her bf's dad works at, and is having the family move to moscow aswell. i feel bad for his family.

Annika has been pleasant over the last 22 days, i can tell that she is hating every second of this move. i would know, since im her twin sister, Audrie, i've been living with her since she was born, well, 3 seconds after she was born.

LA, Cali. Entry 30.

today's the big day. i dont mind, but Annika and Blake are getting teary, (well Annika is..) with their pals. i keep my distance, because while Annika is a socialite sweetheart, i've been called anything from freak to insufferable loner. depressing i know, but at least i have books to bury my nose in. because i get top A+ grades, and read fat books, everyone assumes im a nerd. im not, i read fantasy and historical texts.

Moscow, Russia. entry 31.

Its been our first day in russia, Father has shown us our dorms in the 'university of Moscow'. its entremely old, but im most excited about the massive library he showed us briefly in the tour of his old uni. the place hasnt changed at all, and im almost certain that the library goes on forever in every direction, metaphorically ofcourse.

Moscow, Russia. entry 391.

its been a year already, doesnt feel like it. minimum classes like usual, History, English Literature, Art. we have one more year of this, then we're free. happy 17th birthday+a month and a half.

End of excerts.

the snow fell of its own accord, its own plan, and fancies. floating and enjoying the air, before landing amongst it's brother snowflakes in a layer of delicate ice. chilled palms holding umbrellas against the rain became icicled fingers as soon as november hit like a sudden gust. whirlwinds picked up with december, storms as frequent as rain drops in april. Moscow.

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