Chapter 2: Entering Middle School

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A Couple Of Years Later...

I was happy that I was leaving elementary school and entering middle school for the first time meeting new people and having new friends and actually taking the bus for the first time with one of the friends who I had went to elementary school with her name was is still is my friend until this day Serenity. Yes that's right serenity that's her name she's always so bubbly and funny at times but if you do try her she will beat your ass or curse your ass out if you try her and she do fight when she has to.

But the first day when I got out of my fathers car and he walked me inside of the school building the school name is "Madison Middle School" on the big build board outside of the school. Once my dad walked with me inside all I could see was bigger people for the most part and some people that were short like me. When I tell you it was a lot of kids on the first day it was a lot of kids on the first day that day so my dad told me to look on my card to see what room number I was in I did but we still had to ask questions to see where the classroom was. We finally made it to the class I think it was reading and language arts my dad met my six grade teacher for the first time after that he told me have a good day and he would see me later so my dad left and then out of nowhere the bell rings "Ding Ding" it was time for class to start.

Over the past couple of months middle school was good until I got into a fight with a boy at first we was playing and then it got serious I'll admit it I did hit him first because he wouldn't let me go so pretty much if you wanna get that aggressive I can get aggressive back. We basically started fighting we was really actually punching each other until he had strike me with a punch to my left eye I felled onto the ground in pain when I tell you I was in pain I was in pain that day so someone I had helped me up all I could do was hold my eye and cry until the teacher had to call security for the both of us so the security came for the both of us and we was sent to the office.

When we got there I was still crying holding my eye and we didn't talk to the principal I think she wasn't there that day if I'm not mistaken but we had both talked to administration and to tell them both sides of the story that happen. But I called my dad and told him what happened he made it worse on the phone talking about "What you doing fighting" and oh "Don't you know this could be on your record when you get into high school and when you graduate high school you don't want that following you I keep telling you all you have to do is go to school and do your work" and "You play to much look I'm on my way to come and get you" he hung up in my face 🙄.

I'll say like an hour or so my dad came and talk to the administration in the office mind you the boy I fought had already left and went home already but my dad was asking them "Where is this young man I need to speak with him and his parents" the lady told my dad "We're sorry but there's nothing we can do" the outcome of it all that me and the boy didn't get suspended me and him were friends his name was Lazlo but the next day he did apologize because I was dating one ex at the time in middle school his name was Stephen and he had got Lazlo to tell me sorry and he did.

However, the next day at school I went to class with my eye still hurting here comes Stephen walking towards me "Hey you ok?" he said I said "Yeah my eye still hurts but I'm alright" I told him so he took my hand walked me to class he told me "I'll meet you after class try to text me if you can" I said "Yeah ok" child I never did 🤣 cause my eye was killing me but I was also pretty much aggravating at the same time.

I manage to survive the day talking to some of my friends and also being with Stephen during lunch time I really just wanted to go home and get back in my bed to be honest. So when school was over with I walked to the bus with serenity talking to her about how my eye feeling and also talking about how our day at school was at school once we got on the bus some of our friends we laughing with each other and talking to each other until it was time for us to get dropped off to our destinations after a couple of months being with Stephen I broke it off with him meaning our relationship was over thank goodness I was happy as fuck.

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