~Meeting People~

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I saw some people with the same ticket as me and decided to follow them. They stopped at the wall between platform 9 and 10. Okay this makes sense, why didn't I realise that earlier? The people I followed all looked like family, with ginger hair and freckles. Two of them were twins for sure, I just don't get how you can have so many children, I would go nuts. They ran into the wall - wait recap they RAN into the wall?! - so, being the stubborn ass that I am, I followed them. I ran towards the wall, silently praying that I wouldn't crash and make a fool of myself. But nothing happened and I just ran through it. Just as I wanted to turn around the corner I bumped into someone and fell to the ground. ''I'm so sorry, sweetie'' The person said while I stood back up again. I stood up and now looked the person in the eyes. It was a beautiful young lady with long black hair and some white stripes in them. She wore a beautiful long dress, that probably costs a fortune.

''No problem, madam. I should've watched out'' I said to her. ''I'm sorry madam but I really have to go, the train is going to leave anytime soon.'' I said while taking back my trolley and walking away. ''Okay, have a nice year dear.'' She said. I walked to the train and got everything of my trolley. I entered the train and looked for an empty compartment. Once I found one, I putted my luggage on the luggage rack and said down. I took my book out of my bag and started to read.

After a few minutes of reading, the door opened. A boy with bleach blonde hair stood in the doorway, he had some robes on, they were from Slytherin. I've read that in: Hogwarts, a history. He had pretty grey eyes and he was tall. "What are you doing in my compartment?" He asked while folding his arms. "First of all, I don't see a name on this compartment. Second of all, who are you?" I snapped back.


I was fuming. She didn't know who I was?! Who doesn't know who I am? I'm THE Draco Malfoy, Slytherin prince and the most popular boy at Hogwarts. But wait, I've never seen her either. I know everyone at Hogwarts, what they are like, what kind of blood they have, you know the usual. '' Who are you actually I've never seen you around here.'' I asked her while leaning on the door frame. ''I'm (y/l/n), (y/n)(y/l/n) and you are?'' she said while looking at me with narrowed eyes. (y/l/n) I've heard that name before. ''The name is Malfoy,Draco Malfoy'' I answered her while setting up my oh so famous Malfoy smirk. She nodded at me and continued reading. '' Are you going to leave, 'cause as I said, this is my compartment.'' I said starting get annoyed. She sighed and closed her book. ''Yes and as I said, I don't see a name on this compartment. So I'm going to make myself comfortable here and I'm not leaving." She answered me while laying her feet on the bench before her.

I stared at her, how can she be so rude? And feet on the bench? Like really? '' Very well then, you're asking for it.'' I stated, grabbed her feet, putted them on the ground and sat down. Now I actually had time to fully look at her. She had E/C (eye colour) eyes, H/C (hair colour) and H/L (hair length) hair. I couldn't deny that she was pretty but it wasn't like she was a goddess either. I decided to ask her some questions. 

"What is your blood status?" I asked first and she looked up. 


"I'm sorry? What is a blood status?" I asked and he just answered by rolling his eyes. "Are you pure- half- or mud blood?" He said . "I'm none of them, I'm a Muggle." I stated back and going back to my book. "So you're a Mudblood, well then I'm leaving before I get any diseases." he stood up and with that he left. 'This is going to be a long journey' I thought.  


A/N: First real chapter is done yay! Thanks for reading and there'll be another chapter coming soon! ~ Love, Lauren

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