Jealous little shit

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Author's note:

Y'all I cannot for the life of me finish this shit so take it as it is please, I might come back to it later but it's kinda sad to see it sittin in the dust while I proceed to ignore it's very existence

Readers pov:
You were sitting on the couch having a civilised conversation with Tord, the occasional flirt here and there drawing chuckles from Tord or giggles from you, everyone knew you two were like this but there was only one person who didn't like it: your boyfriend, Tom. Honestly Tom didn't like anything you did with Tord, talking? No, sitting together? Nope, hanging out? Haha hell no. It wasn't like you were full blown askin the guy to fuck you or anything but you had to admit you liked seeing Tom jealous, it was cute to watch your tiny boyfriend growl and wrap his arms around you protectively, one of the few times he'd do as such anyway.

Though sometimes you and Tord would get... touchy, just friendly touches but god did it set Tom off like a little bomb of fury! He nearly killed Tord last time but that didn't stop either of you, surprisingly.

Sadly for Tom this was a touchy day, you and Tord giving the occasional brush on the arm or pull closer to whisper something, you nearly didn't notice Tom trying to get your attention from Tord. "Yeah, yeah, give me a second" you murmured, Tord had just gotten to the juicy part of his story and Tom could wait... well apprently not because Tom immediately grabbed you by your waist, pulling you off the couch then to his room- not even letting you utter a word to the snickering norsk left on the couch.

You gave a long sigh as Tom led you to his bed, taking a seat with a huff. Tom hadn't let go of you so he followed your lead and took a seat, silent as he leaned against you- giving your neck a little nuzzle. "You're such an ass" you huffed, glancing at Tom which he gave a chuckle to in response "so is Tord, I don't know what you see in that perv. His hands are always all over you" he murmured, tone getting harsher as he neared the end "they're not always all over me and he's a great guy! I know you don't like him or trust him but trust me" you sighed. This went on for what felt like hours but was probably only about 30 minutes.

You tried to pull away from Tom, which he surprisingly allowed but you didn't think much of it- just crossing your arms and huffing knowing his eyes were still on you. It was coming and you knew it. "Baby I just don't think you're safe around him" your boyfriend cooed, slowly wrapping an arm around you as he began to gently kiss at your jaw. He always did this after a fight especially after a fight about Tord, it was odd that he wouldn't be sweet like this all the time since he knew just how much it'd drive you mad. You didn't respond, looking away from him as his kisses trailed lower. You shuddered as he got to your neck, giving it little nibbles and licks along with the sweet kisses which made you bite your lip. Tom gently pushed you down, pulling away from your neck to look down at you- a small smile on his face. "How long will my baby keep up that adorable frown?" He murmured which you only grumbled in response to. He didn't mind it, going back to working on your neck- gradually getting rougher and giving more marks to let anyone, everyone know you were his and his alone.

After a few minutes of this torture your breathing was uneven, face flushed and eyes closed as hot moans left your parted lips. You knew Tom liked this, liked working you down into nothing but a whore to fill his own desires and he absolutely relished in the fact that no matter how much you denyed it you loved every second of it. He leaned to your ear as a hand trailed down to your shirt, playing with the hem. "Tell me what you really want, baby, I'm sure you're tired of this aren't you?" He whispered drawing an involuntary shudder from you. "Mmh... I want you to get on with this... daddy" you whimpered, the last word barely above a whisper but he heard it and it was just what he wanted to hear. Tom made quick work of pulling off your shirt and pants, making you shiver from the cold air hitting your warm skin. You opened your eyes halfway when you noticed Tom hadn't done anything in a bit only to find Tom staring at you lovingly which made you smile.

"Get on with it, dork" you hummed, being met with a smack to your ass making you yelp. "It's daddy" he chuckled, gently rubbing where he hit which made your breath hitch. "Oh fuck off" you grunted, closing your legs to hide the growing wet spot on your panties only met with yet another smack which drew a moan this time.

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