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Jungkook hurried through the small crowd and ran right outside where Taehyung followed him, Yoongi raising an eyebrow as he smiled. That was quite interesting watching Taehyung suddenly start socializing with the other boy. As for Taehyung, he was quite offended.

Again, he does have a small? petite? body— and his curves might make him look girlish? but still, he was still a man. Taehyung ran around the house maybe five times before he stopped and kneeled on the grass before falling down and laying on the grass, catching his breath. So much for being a man huh?

Jungkook stopped running as he saw the male laying on the grass, laughing a bit as he walked towards the male that had his eyes closed. "Yeah okay, maybe you are my hyung considering how old you seem to be." Jungkook teased, Taehyung looking up at the male with a glare as he lazily hit Jungkook's leg.

With that, Jungkook held out his hand. Taehyung rolling his eyes as he got up himself. "You really are stubborn." Jungkook walked behind Taehyung who turned around. 'I am not, I am just- you don't understand me' Taehyung stopped as he watched how confused Jungkook got.

Taehyung rolled his eyes once more as he walked inside. "If you role your eyes more they just might get stuck like that." Jungkook stopped when Taehyung stopped. The blonde turned to put his hand out in a stopping movement and Jungkook obeyed- just like a dog.

Taehyung smiled and put a finger up for the 'wait' kind of movement while he walked off towards Yoongi who was eating his food, a plate saved for Taehyung. 'Can we go now? I'm tired' Taehyung sat down next to Yoongi.

"Yeah, yeah just let me grab another plate of food." Yoongi stood up to go grab more food from the table mainly brought by the parks. With that, Taehyung took a look around. The two little girls hiding behind their mother which was really cute, he wished he could greet them properly.

Then Yoongi came back with food on the plate, cookies in his pockets and food in his mouth, motioning Taehyung to follow. The boy almost laughed as he shook his head but grabbed his things and was heading out- until he heard his name being called. Taehyung slowly turned around. "So.. do you want to walk with me to school in the morning or are you to cool for me." Jungkook asked with an eyebrow raised. Taehyung smiled lightly as he thought about it before holding out his hand and eyeing Jungkook's phone.

Jungkook handed it over and watched Taehyung type in his notes.

yes, way too cool for you :)

Jungkook read it over as he looked at Taehyung who smiled once more and left to catch up to Yoongi who wasn't far also because- they literally only live a few houses down. Jungkook leaned on the door and watched the boy walk off with a somewhat amused smile.

The next morning, Taehyung woke up to a clash of pots and pans causing him to flinch away and hurry down the hall to see Yoongi looking at the pans with a lazy look. 'What the fuck Yoongi?' Taehyung signed once he saw Yoongi looking at him. "The pans fell." Yoongi spoke the obvious, Taehyung sighing as he started to pick up the pots and pans that fell. 'You need to put them back correctly Yoongi' Taehyung signed as Yoongi watched his hands. "Yeah, whatever.. look let me cook you breakfast and you get ready."

Yoongi grabbed the frying pan and yawned. Recently Yoongi has been staying up late and getting up early which wasn't great but Yoongi always insisted he was fine. It's been like so since his break up with Jung Hoseok- who moved away a year ago. They were in a relationship since middle school and well, then they switched to long distance and that was just not possible for Hoseok considering he was in college and also teaching dance for a side job.

Yoongi was a wreck afterwards- though his dark songs did really pick up. It was quite sad but to Yoongi it was the greatest thing in history- now he just had to find a studio to record them.. but he was busy moping around. Other than that, Yoongi was fine? besides the break up, yeah great. With that, Taehyung helped the male before going to the bathroom to freshen up. Within minutes he was out of the bathroom and suddenly smelt the burnt smell, his eyes widening as he hurried downstairs.

Taehyung's eyes widened as he saw Yoongi tossing the pan into the sink and turning the cold water on with smoke immediately filling the air. "Crap.. crap i'm sorry I fell asleep for like, two seconds-" Taehyung grabbed onto Yoongi and rubbed his shoulders before hugging him for a few seconds.

'Go rest, i'll just eat cereal, go' Taehyung turned Yoongi and made him leave the kitchen, Taehyung looking at the stove as he switched it off and opened up a window for now as he grabbed the cereal box and milk since he already got the spoon and bowl ready.

Minutes pass, Taehyung was finishing up everything and getting ready, looking into Yoongi's room to see the male curled into a ball and sleeping peacefully. Taehyung ended up making a sandwich for Yoongi and putting the laptop on the other side of the bed for the male before leaving the room and making his way to school.

Taehyung sure felt the need to stay back but he knew if he did, Yoongi would still kick his ass even when it was one of those days where Yoongi was missing his ex lover badly but he knew Yoongi would get over it.. never did Yoongi want Taehyung's help so he just let it be, for now.

As for Taehyung, he picked on his sweater as he walked down the sidewalk and into the short cut he would take to school and also a hiding place when he would be running from Gyeong and his friends. That morning walk was rather peaceful.

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