Awake - 1

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I couldn't resist making that reference for the chapter title lmao

I saw there was a midnight VLive & I was like "wait no, if they all come to celebrate Hobi's birthday at midnight, then how tf will this story work if I- *cough* I mean Noelle and Yoongles are supposed to swap lives at midnight??" But then they all showed up, except Yoongles who was still sleeping. Lemme tell ya I was shook like that just happens to work out perfectly for this story omg

Lol anyway, back to your regularly scheduled fanfic.....



What the... I don't remember setting an alarm I think as I slowly open my eyes. My vision adjusts to an unfamiliar room. This is definitely not the hotel room in Fukuoka...

"Where the fu-" I stop, suddenly noticing I'm speaking in a different voice. What the hell is going on? I think to myself as I get out of bed to turn off the alarm. After I find the button to turn it off, I notice a mirror across the room and walk towards it. As I look at my reflection, I see a young american girl in a cat onesie instead of myself.

"What the fu¢k? Is this a dream?" I continue to glance around the room, and notice a note on the desk. My curiosity gets the best of me so I decide to read it.


Hi Yoongi,

    I'm really, really, really, really, really, really sorry about this. I know you're really confused and probably scared right now, so long story short, I entered a stupid contest & won the chance to swap lives with you for a day. I only entered the contest as a joke & I really didn't want to win it, so I tried to turn it down, but they wouldn't let me. On top of that, it's Hobi's birthday today, & I feel really, really, really bad about making you miss out on that. Luckily, I knew about this in advance, so with this letter, I can help you prepare for this day to go as smoothly as possible.

    For starters, my name is Noelle Jeannette, I'm 16 years old, I live in a small town in New England with my parents, grandparents, & my dad's cat, SPOOOOOON! (Ok, actually my dad is her human, but let's not get into semantics lol). Luckily, I don't have school today & I got all my homework for the weekend done already, so you won't have to deal with any of that stuff. You can use my social media accounts, but please don't post anything (You can comment on stuff if you want, tho). I don't know what else to say, so just try to have a fun time pretending to be me for the day, and again, I'm really really really sorry and I promise this won't ever happen again.

P.S. I know this is common knowledge, but please don't snoop around my stuff of anything like that, thanks.

P.P.S. You can look in the dresser at the foot of my bed tho cuz that's where my clothes are & you'll need to wear something today lol.


"Well $hit, this isn't a dream," I mutter under my breath as I go over to the dresser to search for clothes to wear. Since I have no clue how it's organized, I start from the bottom drawer and work my way up. The first drawer I open appears to be filled with pants, so I just grab a pair of jeans. The next drawer up appears to have sweaters and sweatshirts, most of which are very colorful. I find the only black sweatshirt, and as I take it out of the drawer, I notice that it has logos on it. Upon further inspection, I see that it is a BTS sweatshirt. It seems kinda weird to wear my own merch, but I guess it's alright since I'm not myself today. After I get dressed, I look at myself in the mirror. This is going to be an interesting day I think as I head out of the bedroom, putting up my hood.


Sorry this is a week late oof

I hope you're enjoying this so far, and if you are (or aren't, for that matter), please don't be a ghost reader, I love reading comments and hearing feedback from people

Thanks for reading & I'll see y'all in the next chapter!

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