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Chase POV

I walked out of the house angry. Melania is out of control. I don't know how to raise her anymore. I sit in my car and call CJ.

CJ: Yeah bro?

Me: I can't do this shit CJ. She's horrible. She's so fucking bad.

CJ: Listen Ima be straight. You need to beat her ass. Period.

Me: I can't you know I'm trying to raise her how Jasmine would.

CJ: Then deal with the outcome. A bad ass child.

Me: Man whatever. Bye.

I hang up and roll up. This child is gonna be the death of me. She's sixteen acting 21. I can just see Jasmine now shaking her head.

I take a puff and see Lani walk out the house. "And where are you going." She scoffs. "Out." I am going to kill her. "Get your little ass in the house Melania." She rolls her eyes and gets in a car. "MELANIA."

What the fuck.

I went up into our house and went up to shower. I'm so stressed. As I let the hot water cascade down my body I start thinking about Jasmine.


I paced the room talking to myself. "God why did you take her." I'm throwing shit everywhere. Until my phone rings.

"Yeah.... You found em..... Yeah I'm going I'm strapped now..... Bye."

I hung up and went to the address that was sent to me. This house looked abandoned. I got out and walked in. I don't give a flying fuck if I die. I walk through the house and find her. Roxie. Now I know y'all probably expecting an extravagant fight or battle. Welp no. I shot her. I waited until I knew she was dead then I cut her up and burnt the house down. Simple.

I woke the next day still covered in blood. I get up and take a shower and do my routine. I look in the mirror and break down. I can't believe I'm planning her funeral today. Today dragged by she literally has no family. The only people that'll show up are Lani, me, and maybe Leo. This is sad.

It was Sunday the day of the funeral. I went early to set up I walk in and everything is perfect except the casket. It's closed. I said it has to be open. I go over getting ready to open the casket. "Maybe I shouldn't open it." I said to myself. I go against myself and open it. Empty.

"What the fuck?"

I call the funeral guy over (I forgot what they're called.) "Where's my girls body?" He shakes his head. "The hospital told me they couldn't find a body. That's why it's a closed casket." I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Then reality hits me. "Oh shit. Where the hell is she."

Flashback over

I spent months, years trying to track her down. I still try but it's no use. It's like she just disappeared. I get out the shower and dry off getting dressed.

Lani's POV

We pull up to Alex's house. We hop out and immediately start rolling up. I know what you guys are thinking I'm wild disrespectful to Chase. Welp I don't care she can slap dick. I start puffing. "Damn slow down Mel." I looked at Alex and rolled my eyes. Come on let's go. "Where?" She says. "I want a tattoo." Everyone looked at me like whet. "Um ok random much." They all laughed and then we went to the shop. I walked in and was greeted by this sexy ass stud. Damn. She started lightly laughing. "Thanks." My face turns bright red. Jeesh I said that out loud. I tell her that I don't have an appointment then she tells me to wait.

30 mins later

I get called back and she asks me what I want. I honestly don't know. I tell her surprise me. By the time she's done it was dark and I'm still not finished. I pay for what I have set up more appointments and leave. I'm so not going home.

I end up staying at Alex's and I knock the minute I get in the house.

2 weeks later

After two weeks of getting tattoos I end up with full arms and neck tattoos. I got extra but that's it. Chase is gonna kick my ass. Over the course of two weeks I learned my fine ass tattoo artist is 21 and she owns the place. Oh and her name is Angel. I even got her number. But one down side she thinks I'm eighteen. Oops.

I go home and pray Chase isn't home. To my surprise she was gone. I go and take a shower then get dressed. I hear my stomach talking so I go to make food. I search everywhere, fridge, cabinets, even the fucking draws. Nothing. No food what so ever. I grab my keys and head to the store.

I walk up and down aisles trying to find pasta. Where the hell is the pasta. I finally find it and grab it just to notice this girl staring at me hard. I mean I know I'm fine as hell but damn. I hate being stared at. She just kept following me. I finally stopped walking and turned around. "WHAT?" She just stared at me with tears in her eyes. She went to say something when a man yelled. "JASMINE!?" She jumped, hugged me and ran away. What was that I thought nothing of it and left.

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