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Lani's POV

I can't believe she stuck up for me. She never does that. But whatever. I guess it made me feel a type of way. Anywho I've been hanging out with Angel a lot more. She's the most genuine person you'd ever meet. I feel kind of bad for lying about my age but I'll tell her soon enough.

I snuck out the house to meet Angel at the park. I'm kinda annoyed with her. She keeps asking why she can't take me anywhere or come to my house. "Hey babygirl took you long enough." She laughed and hugged me. "Yeah I know. My roommate was bugging out." She laughed again. "Well when am I gonna be able to come over." I shrugged my shoulders. I hate when she bings this shit up. "I don't know my roommate isn't fond of strangers." I can tell she just got an attitude. She rolled her eyes, "How is this gonna work if we always at a park or some shit. You won't even come to my house. It's gonna get cold outside Lani." I wish I could go to her house but I know Chase will find me. Her crazy ass put a tracker on my phone. I can't risk being caught up right now. "I know you just have to give me sometime. I swear it's not always gonna be like this." She sighed and got up dusting herself off. "Yeah whatever I gotta go though. I guess I'll text you." Before I could protest she was already in her car leaving.


I hid in the closet in the living room. I know I got myself in a fucked up situation again. Now I don't want to get into detail but after I was shot I did die. For a little. After awhile I just woke up. By the time I woke up he was there staring at me. My stepdad. Ricky. I've been held in this disgusting house for years. But today I'm leaving.

I hear his footsteps get closer to the closet. "Come on Jasmine. Don't make this hard. Just come out I miss you." I stay where I am and tighten my grip on my knife. Ima kill this bitch. He rips the door open and I scream. I swing the knife and stab him in his shoulder. "Agghh! You stupid bitch. What the fuck?!" He falls on the floor and I stab him over and over and over again. I watched his blood flow onto the kitchen floor and I felt amazing. It was like I was reborn.

I decide to take a shower to wash the blood off me. I let the water relax my muscles. This was much needed.

I hop out the shower and quickly get dressed. I run out of the house and I keep running. Finally I end up at this little diner. Now I have money, I know how to save and not get caught. I go in and order food to go. My main priority right now is to eat and stay away from Chase and Melania. I have to know it's safe before I show up again. I get my food and quickly eat. When I go to leave I bump into this person. "Oh I-I'm sorry." She looks at me up and down and licks her lips. "Nah you good mamas." I smile and walk away until she grabs me. "So what I can't get your name?" I laugh and shake my head. "Jas, short for Jasmine." She nods. "Well Jasmine my name's Angel. Here how bout you take my number. I need new 'friends'." I laugh and give her my number. "See ya later bye." I speed walk out of there. It been years since I have had any female contact. But I still feel guilty. Here I am making a friend while Chase is at her house taking care of a child that's not hers. I have been planning this escape for awhile I have a whole apartment set up and everything. I walk over there to my apartment. It's more like a freaking garage like this shit is small. But it will do for now.

Angel's POV

Yep ya girl finally got a pov. Anyways I'm kinda dating Lani but not really. She's too secretive for me. But the girl I saw at the diner oh my gawd. She was fine. She has this brown skin and dark curly hair. Gorgeous.

I head into work after getting food and coffee. It's dead. Nobodies here. I guess I should check the books today. I finally get settled in my office when there's a knock on my door.


"Come in."

"Um hey boss. I was wondering why I only have a 3:00pm appointment. I was suppose to be here all day." I nod and start checking the schedules. I could've swore I had her on all day.

"It says your appointments where cancelled. I don't know why but just take an easy day today and tomorrow it'll be fixed." She nodded and said thank you.

After she left I got a text from Lani...

Lani💙😈: Hey I'm sorry for how I've been treating you.

Me: Yeah I know Melania it's whatever.

Lani💙😈: No I'm serious you can come over today around 6.

Me: Ok if you do or say some fuck shit I'm done with you.

She left me on read after that. I'm trying my hardest to be with her. But at the end of the day I'm a hoe. I don't like relationships but I like her. Now don't get me wrong I'm still gonna fuck with that Jasmine girl. Once me and Lani get serious I'll cut her off.

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