Listen to the song while you read this I'm like in love with this song 🤪😍🤩
When you got to the car eli had roses 🌹
Eli-hey hailey
You-wassup so what did you wanna talk about
Eli-well do you wanna skip school and maybe go and have fun and then we can talk about us
You-heck yea
Eli -fine then let's go
He took you to the fair and you both got on roller coasters .
Eli-dang that was fun
You-yea and i for over my fear of roller coasters
Eli-omg ! I'm sorry I didn't know
You-no your good
Eli-wanna get cotton candy
You-yea sure why not !
Eli-hey can I get one cotton candy
Worker-yea that will be 5.97
Eli-here *give $10* keep the change
You both went to go sit at a bench
You-you really gave him $10 with no change back
Eli-ayy we gotta be nice to humanity
You-your so sweet ☺️
Eli-that's all you bbg
You guys then walked to the beach and just sat on the sand and watch the sunset .
Eli-I think we should get going since it's getting kinda late
You-yea ig
Eli-oh ok then
When you guys got into the car he said
Eli-wanna go and have dinner
You-I thought you said it was already "late" 😂
Eli-cmon now ! :)
You-alright let's go
You guys got there and Eli was just being eli and he was goofing around and made you laugh out tears 😂💛
10 mitines later
Eli-hey hailey I've been having a great time with you and I've feel in love with you since the first day I saw you,and I'm happy your in my life . I've never felt this happy and have these emotions toward someone and today was one of the best day since I got to spend it with you and i was wondering g if you'll like to be my girlfriend ...❤️
You-yes! Eli ! 💛😭
You gave him a hug and he kissed out
Eli-I'm glad to call you mine !
Once you guys were eating Eli hold your hand and took you to the car and opened the door for you
You-thank you
Eli-anything for my princess
You-your the sweetest
Eli-stop! Talking bout you 😂❤️
You-I love you
Eli-I love you too
Once he dropped you at your house he said
Eli-do you want me to pick you up tomorrow
You-yea sure what time?
Eli-7:45 (am)?
You-yea sure
Eli-that way we can go and get Starbucks
You-oh ok and thank you for an amazing day
Eli-np baby and same ✨
You gave him a kiss and went inside your home
And just like that you thought"I thought I would never fall in love again"
But I did 😍
Hey guys I'm back 🤪💕