~Day 1.

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Dear Diary,

I think thats how i'm going to start these things now.. unless you have any better ideas? Today we left for tour. And jesus! How Niall can say goodbye to Ma and not be a wreck is completely beyond me! Once we got in the car I collapsed into Ni's chest and cried all the way to the airport. I think I slept on the plane but i'm not sure. It was all a bit of a blur if i'm being totally honest with you! I don't know when we will both be back home with ma but i'm missing her already!

You'd think i'd be used to living in a totally male environment. Growing up with Niall, Dad and Greg and all. Even at school I generally hung around with Niall and his mates. I guess I never really had time for the girls at our school, they were all so bitchy and I just don't want to be associated with anything like that. But mum and dad were worried I guess, just cos I spent so much time with Ni and this friends and had very few female friends. So at the age of 13 they sent me to an all girls school. To say I was annoyed is a bit of an understatement. I hated it there. So for the whole 3 years I was there I became this rebellious girl who most people didn't want to hang around with. Truth be told, only Alice and Keira knew the real me. I have never been the person I pretended to be back then. But I needed a tough exterior to sheild the real me. The crazy, emotional, sensitive, loving and caring side which would just have led to me being ripped to shreds!

In a way I guess it was a good move being able to act like what people think didn't matter to me. When Niall left home to persue his dreams at the age of 16 none of us thought he would make it this big. Don't get me wrong, my big brother is one of the most talented people I know and I never doubted he'd get everything he ever dreamed of, but it all happened so quickly. By the time he had came 3rd of the X-Factor I had finished my exams and people started to realise who I was at school. Another negative of having a hugely famous and 'attractive' brother and being at an all girls school is that you get a load of girls trying to be your friend when actually, they just wanna get in your big brothers' pants. And thats how I met Mona. I genuinely thought she wanted to be my friend, until one day when we both went back to mine to study and Niall had come home to visit with the boys. Mona fangirled at first, which I found very strange, before turning into a mega flirt around Niall.  She asked if she could stay over that evening and we all agreed that she could. Later that night she disappeared outside to ring her 'parents' but when I stuck my head out the back door she had her back to me so didn't see me...


I walked to the back door to check on Mona. She'd been outside for about 20 minutes and I just wanted to make sure she was ok and her parents hadn't changed their minds. I opened my mouth to say her name but stopped intrigued to hear the rest of her coversation.

"Neala? Oh no! Of course I'm not actually staying round for her! Her brother is well fit! The things I'd do to him.. Oh yes I will get him this evening. I haven't been pretending to be her friend for the last 6 months not to get a snog out of him at the very least.." 

Silent tears started to trickle down my face. She was my best friend! or so I thought. I couldn't feel angry, just ashamed of the fact that I'd told her my secrets, let her see the real me. I felt a hand on my lower back followed by a soft voice.. 

"Neala, I'm so sorry.." 

I turned round and fell into Harry's arms. He lifted me bridal style, closing the back door slightly, taking me into the lounge with other boys where Louis took over the comforting of my shaking, sobbing figure as Harry explained to the others what we had obviously both heard. Next thing I know, the back door is closing fully and I'm being passed to another figure as Louis rises.

"Hi boys" Mona said in the flirtiest tone I have ever heard.

"Who the hell do you think you are!?" The sassy doncaster boy yelled. Through my tear streaked eyes I could make out Niall's hand pushing on Louis' chest.

"I've got it tanks, Lou" Niall stood in front of my former best friend. "I think you should leave. Noone treats my baby sister like this and doesn't face the consequences. I want nothing to do with you, and if you ever come near Me, Neela or any of our friends again I will make sure you suffer" 

The rest was a bit of a blur but a flabbergasted Mona left the house with her belongings and I snuggled closer to the warm body under mine. The body's chest vibrated as he gave a throaty chuckle as whispered into my hair "Are you ok little one?" Nodding I looked up to see I was back in Harry's embrace. My eyes fluttered over to the pair of eyes identical to mine staring at mine.

"are you ok Nee? I'm so sorry. I had no id---" Niall stuttered.

"It's fine Ni, you didn't know. M'sleepy. Can I sleep here?" "You'll have to ask Harry" Niall said with a giggle. I glanced up as Harry nodded "Of course you can snugglebug. Go to sleep" and with that Niall kissed my forehead and I drifted into an exhuasted dreamless sleep.


I guess it is true, what doesn't kill you does in fact make you stronger. Or the bond you share with someone. Each of the boys and I share a different bond, all are equally as strong and over the past 2 years they have grown and blossomed into bonds that I couldn't live without. Firstly, Zayn. Zayn was always quiet when we first met. He didn't speak much just the odd witty comment directed at one of the other boys (normally Louis). But once he comes out of his shell, he is so funny! Zayn is normally the first one i'd go to for advice if Ni isn't about. Zayn is deffinately one of my favourite people ever.. Well all of them are really!

Next is Liam, LiLi, Leeyumm or Captain Payne-in-the-arse, if he is annoying Louis and I! Liam at first was the sensible one, always holding back for the boys' attempts to 'corrupt' me. Once the corrupting of me was over we all turned to Liam. Now he is one of the first to start a prank or come up with an insanely good idea which normally includes some type of insanity! But he will always stop it if it goes to far and deffinately is the daddy of the group.

Louis is the sass-master and being quite the sassy individual myself, Niall was convinced we'd classh personality wise. And, oh boy, he couldn't have been more wrong! It seems we brign out the sassiness in eachother and put us together we become a 'royal pain in my arse' as Harry once ever so nicely put it. LouPoo is my partner in crime and will always put a smile on my face when I am down.

Now, Mr Harry Styles. Boy, he can be a handful. But never in a bad way! I love the boy to pieces! He is so funny at times and comes out with some cracking things. When he visits Niall, the pair of us always end up spending the mornings talking to eachother in Irish accents, as apparently my accent becomes stronger when I first wake up. Who'da thunk it?! Harry has always been my cuddle buddy, from one of the first times we'd been introduced. He loves cuddles and I love cuddling! Perfect combo right there.

And last but very not least, Niall. MA BIG BRUDDAAAA. The guy is immense. The pair of us are so similar it hurts sometimes! We both can consume twice our entire body weight in food and still be hungry. Skillz right there. Through everything I know Niall will always be there for me and I can count on him, I think thats why mum let me come away with him for a year. Because he'd never let anyone hurt me none of the boys would.

Oooo someone is knocking on my doooooor! I didn't explain very well, we are currently all in a hotel before the first date of the boys'  tour tomorrow night. I better go, the boys don't know I write this..

Catch ya later,

Neala x


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2014 ⏰

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