scarlett the Pokemon trainer

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*alarm noises* I wake up and get out of bed, get dressed (witch is hard I have one arm) and go out of my house my mom is away for now so I leave to go to professor juniper. I get there and all the Pokemon are gone. " I'm so sorry you missed the Pokemon there are none left I - " just then a litwick hops threw the door and clings to me  and starts playing with my tail "litwick" it says juniper hands me a pokeball  and I catch it "well I got my Pokemon"I say. Juniper hands me a Pokedex  and more pokeballs and sends me on my way "litwick I choose you" I throw the pokeball and litwick pops out."litwick" he says happily "what moves do you know" I ask  hex, flame charge, shadow ball, and curse  " you have really good moves" I said


What litwick is evolving 
Lampent "huh" after my first few battles I have a lampent

My team now


Flashback Eevee

I see a tail go in to a bush I follow it to see an injured Eevee I call out to it. It looks at me. It tries to run, but falls on it's face. I pick it up and take it to the nearest Pokemon center  and give it to nurse Joy." I found this injured Eevee and I want you to help it please" I say to her ( they all look the same by the way) she takes the Eevee to the back and  I waited in the lobby for her to return. I see an Eevee run up to me and sit between my legs and start waging it's tail."he is all better and I think he likes you." Nurse Joy said. " Is that right do you want to come with me?"I ask and pull out a                pokeball "Eevee"he says happily. I put the pokeball down and he presses the button with his paw. He goes in clicks once and he is cought. I pick up the pokeball and put it on my belt. " Here take this" nurse Joy gives me a bag . I look inside I find a thunder stone, a fire stone ,and a Water stone. " Thank you I will use them well"I said and left
* Flashback Eevee end*

I remember nurse Joy gave me evolution stones I take them out "Eevee I choose you" Eevee came out of the ball to see the stones in front of him " you choose " I said he looked at them and looked at me. I smiled. He chose the thunder stone . He became a Jolteon  
Jolteon's moves

Thunder bolt
Pin missile
Quick attack

* Flashback Gastly*

With my new Eevee I find myself in a graveyard I could feel something watching me. I go in to an abondoned mansion.  It was icy cold, not good for me. I quickly turned around to find nothing, I think I'm being followed. Soon I come to rest in a bedroom with a large bed in the middle. I let my Pokemon out and we go to sleep and when we wake up  I see a Gastly floating above us. It goes through my bag and grabs one of my pokeballs and gives it to me. I press the button and it goes in and I have a Gastly.

*Flashback Gastly end*

I finished my battle  against some one  and Gastly is evolving into a haunter.

My team now


"Flashback absol *

I was in the woods with lampent floating behind me. I see a shadow in the trees and I follow it. So we come upon an absol it tilts it's head I think it wants me to follow it. It leads me to a person who is injured I go up to the person and help them out. We end up in a town and I take the person to the hospital. I love the building and go back to the woods. I see the absol again and it is injured I take out a potion and heal it. I  pull out an absolite and look at the absol and it looks at me and at my bag. I goes in my bag and pulls out a pokeball and then presses the button I pick it up and let her out and I give her a necklace with the absolite and put it on her "there you go" I said. She did a shake and rubbed against me.

* Flashback absol end*

Me and my absol come to a clearing and see a young Cubone in a patch of grass. Absol runs up to it  and then comes back with it on her back. We went to another clearing to see a trainer with a female marowak. I go up to the trainer. " Can you help me I have a young Cubone here who can't care for it's self ?" I said. "I got rid of that thing for a reason it's to weak I only want strong Pokemon on my team " He said. He looked at my absol and at me." Battle me I can show you why I only want strong Pokemon. " He said." Fine absol go. " I called out. She jumped in front of me and looked at the trainer. He sent out his marowak. One of his friends was the referee." Ladies first." He called. I gripped the key stone around my neck." Absol mega evolve." I yelled. She changed into her mega form." What" the trainer said dumbfounded. I took my chance. " Absol use night shade"I yelled. And she attacked knocking the marowak off her feet. Marowak got up. " Marowak use dig" the trainer said. "Watch out she could come from anywhere!" I warned my absol. She jumped in the air as the marowak came out of the ground." Use bonemerang." The trainer said.the marowak knocking my absol unconscious. I called her back. "Go haunter". I called  " use lick" He licked the marowak and she is paralized.

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