Part one

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The fall

Her pov

"Mummy! Look" my little girl comes running into me hugging me. She pointed up to the sky "There's another!!!" I look up but don't see anything. I glare at the sky and then look down at the cages that are full with Night fury's. "Baby Angle?" My girl looks at me "Where is it?" She pointed to a cloud "in there mummy," I looked to my Team and nod. They aim for the cloud with out translation and shoot. But then the boat gets hit and it keeps on shaking. "ITS A WATER FURY" I drop my child and slid on the floor "Ahh! MUMMY!" My heart stopped in that moment. I saw my little girl hanging on to the open cage of one of the fury's , all of the cages where busted open and they where flying away. Then my baby fell into the water and the boat stopped "AZAMI" I yell as my only family sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

Azami pov

I cried for my mummy to save me but she didn't. I fell into the ice cold water. I never leaned to swim 'mummy!' I struggle under the waters grip 'help me' I can't breathe the water is pressing down on my lungs. I slowly start to black but not before see a blue dragon swim to me and thinking 'someone save me, mummy?'

Ok so I have to clear somethings up, for instance, I can't write in a child protective I make it to grown up for a child , and I would like to apologise for it being short, I wanted it out for my birthday so it's kinda rushed

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