14. Bitter Betrayal

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'We know what we are, but know not what we may be
William Shakespeare'


Everyone's jaw dropped. Including Ayame, the one who barely displayed any emotion at all.

Tadashi couldn't move; the only sound audible was the loud beating of his heart. It was impossible for him to believe his ears, and the rest gathered in the room felt the same.

Ayame stepped toward the cell phone, her violet eyes filled with apprehension. "Wait, Minamoto. What do you—"

"Akira! What the hell are you doing in here?!" a masculine tone of voice bellowed.

Akira's voice gasped in response. "D-Dad!? I-I thought you were out of town for a case in Nagano!"

"I was, but that is clearly not important right now! Why are you going through my files? These are police files! You could get arrested for committing such a crime!" continued her dad, spitting with anger over the other end of the receiver.

"No, Dad... I—"

"Enough! I thought you were responsible, Akira, but it seems that I cannot trust you anymore! You're grounded!"

"But, Dad—"

"Up to your room! Now!"

The line immediately went dead after that, and the deafening "beep" echoed continuously in the spacious room. All was silent, as everyone's mind reeled back to what Akira had said.

"It says that Izumi... killed her family."

Tadashi clenched his teeth together, utterly distraught. Everyone did the same—disregarding Haru and Juzo, of course—agreeing with his reaction.

Tomorrow they were going to get answers.

☻ ☺ ☻

"Minamoto, Kobayashi wants us all in the clubroom," Ryuu told the blue-haired female the next day in school.

She was currently feeling down, sulking, but she nodded regardless.

The two teens started towards the clubroom, and Ryuu found himself unconsciously furling his fingers into fists. "Minamoto," he began, swallowing hard. "What... happened yesterday?"

Akira's eyes widened and almost instantly, animated tears ran down her face. "My dad grounded me from going on cases with him! I lost his trust so I won't be able to go with him for who knows how long! How am I supposed to live my life, Sasahara?"

Ryuu's eyelids shot up in surprise, clearly not expecting that outburst. "I..."

Akira snuffed, wiping away her tears. "And he wouldn't even let me explain. I mean, sure I did do something illegal, but I'm his daughter! He should know by now that I don't expose the cases I do with him. I always keep them a secret, from everyone. But... but..." Akira sighed loudly, feeling dejected. "Everything nowadays is horrible..."

Ryuu shut his mouth, and frowned. Unwanted thoughts and memories filled his mind, and despite all the questions he wanted to ask, he kept quiet about them. Some part of him didn't want to hear the answers anyway.

"I know it is," he mumbled in agreement, closing his eyes painfully. "But we just have to keep going."

"Welcome, all of you," Ayame Kobayashi said, peeking down at the five teens seated before her.

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