Once this baby was born it had to survive . The hardest part of surviving was that he could not to do anything he had to let mom do everything for him. Fast forward to 5 years later ,he can now do thing like walk eat and other stuff. Now its time for the hardest part of the early stage of life GOING TO SCHOOL. School was very hard for this child since it was born being weaker than normal. In order to survive school he needed to make friends to keep him safe and help him in all times. His first friend was Jack. Jack is the smartest of his friend and also the first friend. Next is Tim his father was involved in a terrible accident. The three became best friends until grade 6. Jack had to move to America to help his mom in her job. Tim went to away after the graduation none saw him again after. And now boy is all alone and have no friends to help and support him. He has to survive on his own now. Now that he is all alone he has no one to be with until this woman when to help this poor man. They became friends for a while now and boy has feelings for woman whos name is Jess. Boy wants to propose to Jess. Boy proposes to Jess now their a couple. Jess is so happy now that boy and her are now a couple. Fasforward to a few years. Boy has a child named Jhon cause why not. Now they live happily ever after.
But wait next chaper