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~//A.n. Guys you can also read my other story :)) It will be appreciated <3 //~
~Y/n pov~
I woke up with bright lights shining thru my eyes, I groan because it was too bright. My head is pounding, I feel dizzy.
Then my mom came in my room.
Mom: Sweetie, are you feeling better?
Y/n: Yes Mom, but how did I get home?
Mom: Oh Jimin helped you to the clinic, the nurse said you had high fever, then Jimin call me and said that you passed out. The I fetch you thats how you got home :))
Y/n: Oh thanks mom
Mom: You should thank Jimin also
Me: S- sure mom
Mom: ok rest now you have school tomorrow, Love you
Me: Ok mom :)) Love you too.
Before I sleep I was thinking how will I thank Jimin tomorrow. Then moments later I finally slept.
~// Hey guys as you can see I changed my story covers hehe. Btw sorry for not updating guys cause I just got from a long vacation and they don't have signal from our vacation house, Sorry guys hope you understand! Love yah all sorry for the short update //~

I Fall in love with my Bully ~JiminXreader~ (slow update)Where stories live. Discover now