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"That was a very sad yet soothing melody. A new composition perhaps?" he asked with curiosity.

"It is and very sad indeed." he answered, his slender fingers sliding gently at the strings of his harp letting out a soft sound. "A song of the unrequited love of a man unable to profess his love."

He looked at him with a very sad expression but he only smiled at him in return.


The first time that they encountered each other was when they were both nothing more than children of a tender age of six.

It was a cold, snowy night. A mother could be seen dragging his child through the street covered by the piling white snow, rushing to get home before either of them freeze from the dropping temperature.

But the child had a different idea. Fumbling his arms up in the air as he tries to catch the falling snow in his hands, wonder and awe sparkled in his green eyes from seeing snow for the first time since they've moved in that country. It was cold in his bare hand but soon melted from his warmth.

"Bedivere!" his mother snaps at him, making the boy jump in surprise. His eyes slowly looked up to his mother who had the same identical eye color. A sudden strong breeze of cold wind caused the hood of the little boy's jacket to slip off his head revealing his short cornsilk white hair.

"I..I'm sorry." Bedivere thought of the cute little animals from the television that never failed to make his mother squee in delight and did his best to made an impression of one, trying to get out of trouble.

And it worked. His mother let out a small sigh and raise up his hoodie back to his head to keep him from getting cold but he started sneezing from the freezing temperature making her frown in concern.

"Let's hurry home before you catch a cold." she said patting his head gently to make sure that the hoodie wouldn't fell off again. Without anymore delays they continue on their way home.

Wanting to go back home in the warmth of their home sooner. Bedivere tried to match his mother's long strides holding onto her and looking ahead of him, focusing on the ground to make sure that he wouldn't slip, Until something caught his eyes.

It was an adult male with a child who around his age walking heading in the opposite direction, like them they were probably hurrying home as well to take shelter from the snow.

For one, the child was certainly not dressed for the cold weather, wearing nothing but a thin white shirt. But that was not what caught Bedivere's attention the most nor why his eyes was closed while walking. It was his red hair, it was so red like a ripened apple ready for the picking, the color stands out so vibrantly in the plain white, gloomy scenery of the winter. It was so beautiful.

The boy seemed to sense that he was staring intensely at him as they were closing in with each other. When they passed by each other he opened his eyes to look back at him. The calm viridian met with fiery amber. It was only for a brief moment but when their eyes met he couldn't help but gasped at the emptiness in those beautiful eyes.

A sad smile Bedivere has never seen flashes before his eyes, a smile he knows, a smile he remembers even though he shouldn't.

Instead of the heavy beating of his heart, a lovely melody rings in his ears as if he was captivated by a song that had been long forgotten. It suddenly clicked to him that he knew him. Somewhere before he met that person. Even if he couldn't remember, he was sure that he know him.

Before he realized it he stopped walking, his eyes seeming to have been glued at the boy as he walks further away from his sight. He hope that he would look back but he didn't. Or atleast Bedivere didn't see him look back at him.

The second time that the two boys saw each other was two years later. Bedivere hadn't forgotten those amber eyes and the other had not forgotten the green ones.

It was the fine day in the midst of spring. He sat still by the long chair situated next to the window. His eyes were focused outside the beautiful garden adorned by different plants and flower. With both Arthur and Arturia - who are just few years younger than him - away for a vacation with their grandparents he didn't need to be there to look after them, yet here he was in their mansion, specifically called in for today.

Bedivere's family had served the Pendragons for generation. And even though he was still young he was already tasked with looking after the young master and the young miss of the family. While his peers found it too much responsibility for their age, Bedivere actually liked doing his job, not only did he helps his family he also enjoyed the company of the two who were pretty much like a younger brother and sister to him.

Still, he didn't understand why he got called in when those two are not around. He was really nervous being alone in that big room especially when the one who called for him was the eldest daughter of the family, Latoria. Not that he didn't like her, in fact he admire her a lot but he couldn't help but be nervous sometimes from the lack of expression on his face. Plus her attendant Agravain was always very strict.

With nothing better to do he tried to calm himself down by playing the piano in situated in the middle of the room. Trying to grasp that familiar melody in his head, faintly trying to remember the proper notes of the tune but no matter how much he tried nothing seemed to connect and it sounds as if he was just pressing random keys.

"That sound horrible." someone said out loud making him jump in surprise for one second and depressed in the next. Bedivere knew that he was never good with any musical instrument but hearing those words really crushed the little self-esteem he had for it.

Despite being tomato red in embarrassment. He looked at the person who that voiced belonged to and his embarrassment seemed to have flown out of the window the moment he set his eyes on the familiar boy who stood there peeking by the door.

His hair was longer from the last time and his eyes are still closed, Bedivere never stopped wondering why.

"Who-" before he could ask he heard Latoria's voice and her footsteps getting closer and closer towards the direction of the room.

"There you are." Latoria said making the red haired boy looked up at the towering adult. She opened the door widely so that both of them could enter. Bedivere could only stay still, looking back and forth to the boy and to Latoria. Not a clue on what was going on.

She signaled for him to come closer. Slowly sliding down from the piano chair and walk towards them. Bedivere stopped when he was just an arm away from him, his eyes viridian eyes focused at him, he knew this before but he looked really fair and his eyelashes were long. It made him blush how cute he looked.

"Bedivere this is Tristan." she introduced, a rare small smile in her features making her more beautiful "Starting from now on he'll be living here with us, like you."

From confusion, Bedivere's face brightened up. He had been here for so long that he was used to the coming and going of all the people who were serving under the family but this was the first time that someone of his age came. Of course he would be delighted.

"Please look after him for me." she gave her a pat on the head and to that Bedivere eagerly nodded at Latoria with a wide smile. He felt pride that he was being entrusted by something by the person he looked up to. Unknowingly that Tristan was looking at him as he talked to Latoria happily.

It almost made Tristan jump when Bedivere turned his attention back to him with that big smile on his face and his viridian eyes sparkling with enthusiasm as he took his hand. It was such a nostalgic expression and nostalgic moment of warmth yet he couldn't recall it.

The whole while, all he could focus on was Bedivere's voice as he showed him around enthusiastically. His cute baby face and those green eyes that was literally sparkling. It was mesmerizing to him that Tristan couldn't keep his eyes away from him.

When he was with Bedivere he felt as if he had come back home. He like that feeling.

A few years later...

Bedivere felt so hot and sweaty, as if a ton of weight was place on top of his body that made him unable to move properly. It was a little hard to breath urging him to wake up.

The blurry ceiling of his dim room with bluish hue from the first light of the dawn greeted him as he slowly opened his eyes, the right half of his body still seemed to be paralyzed or rather there was something preventing him from moving freely.

He groaned. Feeling so uncomfortable, he lazily turned his head to his right side to see what it was and his breath hitched and heart jumped at the same time his whole face tinted with red when he saw what it was or who it was.

He immediately snap out of his sleeping daze and force himself to sit up abruptly despite the heavy weight and the pain in his head when his long hair got stuck in between the pillows and his body from suddenly getting up like that. "Tristan you sneaked on my bed again!" he chided at the red headed male who was sleeping next to him, clinging at him like he was some sort of body pillow.

With all that moving around and shouting, the red headed male stirred awake. He opened his eyes slowly, looking up at Bedivere who held a flustered expression on his face and he smiled at him "Good morning." he mumbled sleepily before going back to sleep again, nuzzling at the side of his hand.

It was freakin' adorable!!!

'goddamnit .' Bedivere exhaled out through his nose harshly and looked away from Tristan who was still clinging onto him, overwhelmed and frustrated with the way in which his insides wouldn't stop tingling.

He couldn't really calm his heart like this. It was much more better when they were younger and used not to care about anything, but as they grew older Bedivere had realized that what attraction he held for Tristan back then was early signs of him falling in love. When he realized it he was already too deep into it that it was impossible to turn back.

He tried to not show it and kept it to himself. It was not worth testing the waters when the probability of ruining their relationship is quite high. For all he knew, Tristan only sees him as a childhood friend or a brother which is why he wanted to keep his feelings a secret and make sure to keep his composure and rationality in place but the number one person who was making it hard for him to do so was Tristan himself.

How much frustration he had been building by just sharing a room with him.

No. Their room sharing had started since he first came which was not strange but they were already in high school. It was normal for people around this time to want a personal space for your own? Yet, Tristan refused to have separate rooms despite the mansion being big enough to provide two rooms for each servants.

Bedivere tried to think why Tristan turned out this way but the more he contemplate about it the more he found himself to be the one at fault for the other male's clinginess towards him. HE SPOILED HIM TOO MUCH!

It made him want to cry. Wishing to bring back time and correct himself for letting Tristan develop his bad habits but at the same time he cherished all those moments and he knew he would do them all over again if given the chance. In short he was just hopeless.

Bedivere was fighting really hard against the blush that was trying to rise to his cheeks as he continued to marvel down at the beautiful person at his side. "Why do you keep sleeping in my bed?" he asked trying to sound annoyed while shaking the red headed male awake.

"Hmm?" Tristan grunted sleepily with his voice slightly deep from just having woken up "Because your bed is much more comfortable than mine."

"We literally use the same kind of mattress. How did mine became more comfortable?"

"Because of the spot." he answered flatly without care.

Bedivere let out a really long sigh, he was starting to really get annoyed with this. "Then should we switch places? I'll take your spot and you can take mine." He was desperate at this point and he'd take any solution to fix Tristan's bad habit.

Tristan finally loosen his grip onto him. Using his hands to prop himself to sit up in the bed. His long hair was messy and was all over his face temping Bedivere to fix it and let his fingers slid through those soft locks put kept his hand to himself.

Tristan opened his eyes and looked at him seriously as if he was mad which made Bedivere immediately switch to apology mode. Then, "I like this bed because you're sleeping here." he said before closing his eyes again and falling back to the bed to continue his sleep.

He left Bedivere frozen like a statue not moving an inch nor was he breathing, to him the wall by his side looked really welcoming to bash his head on it. That way he'd stop misinterpreting what Tristan just said. Surely he was just being childish as they always used to share the same bed in the past.

"W-w-we should hurry up and start preparing!!" Bedivere stuttered horribly, unable to hide that he was flustered by his words. He jumped off their bed making sure that he wouldn't step on Tristan on the process and hurriedly made his way to the bathroom.

When he heard the water running and was sure that Bedivere won't be leaving until he was done. Tristan let out the light laughter that he had been suppressing the moment he woke up to Bedivere's flustered face.

He rolled over in the bed, lying sideways and grabbed the pillow that Bedivere had used and hugged it tightly close to his chest, feeling that warmth and taking in the scent that he loved the most with a blush on his face.

Bedivere was very smart but he was incredibly dense despite all the hints that Tristan had been dropping here and there. Still, he looked adorable being flustered which was why he couldn't help teasing him. But Tristan knew he should stop with all the teasing already.

[Fate/Grand Order] Back to You (Bediviere x Tristan) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now