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You stared back tiredly at Yoongi, mesmerized by how the dim light reflected in his eyes. You could just about decipher his pupils from the dark chocolate irises but that wasn't what had hypnotized you. It was the galaxies in them. "Did you hear me?"

"Hm?" You blinked, zoning back in.

"I said you look gorgeous, like this."

"What where you can barely see me?" You joked.

"No, when you're smiling like that at me," he whispered with a slight chuckle. Your heart swam up to you throat and the fact was audible in your tiny gasp but you just stared while Yoongi stroked your cheek.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" The words left your lips without the slightest sense of hesitation. Yoongi grinned and wrapped his arms around you so that he could pull you chest to chest.

"So eager," he nuzzled into your neck, kissing you sloppily and making you lightly push at his chest while laughing. "I love a girl who knows what she wants."

"I want you," you panted, now laying underneath him while he hovered over you.

"And you'll have me, but just not right now," he said softly and you swore you felt your heart crack.

"Why not? I thought that's what you wanted?" Your voice quivered and the affects of it were visible on Yoongi's face.

"We can't do that to- to him. There's unresolved issues but as soon as they're all sorted out I'm going to swoop you off your feet and I'm never putting you down," he leaned up to press a kiss to your forehead and then rolled over to pull your back against his chest.

You enjoyed the serenity of the moment with Yoongi. The warmth of his skin seeping through his T-shirt and your sweater was one of the most comforting things you'd ever felt and his cologne made you feel safe and peaceful.

I wish I had asked you out all of those years ago," he mumbled against your shoulder and you closed your eyes, ready for sleep.

"I probably would have rejected you," you sighed airily with a small smile and he nuzzled into the back of your shoulder.

"You think I'd give up that easily?"

"Nope," you popped the 'p' and then slid your hand down to interlace with his.


"I have no idea what I'm doing," Yoongi huffed while searching for a cupcake tin like you'd asked.

"That's okay, only one of us needs to have the brains here," you sent him a teasing smirk and he narrowed his eyes before standing up with the item you'd asked for.

"You're hilarious," he laughed sarcastically and you grinned with saccharine sweetness. While you mixed the cupcake batter together Yoongi sat on the counter stealing chocolate chips from the bowl for the cookies.

"Hey! No stealing," you scolded him with a small snack to his thigh and he laughed.

"Kiss me and I won't do it again," he promised and you rolled your eyes despite your grin.

"Fine, but I'm putting the choc chips away still," you warned and then stood on your tiptoes so that you could peck his pouting lips. He seemed satisfied after that so you moved the bowl away from him and instructed him to line the tray with paper cases which he did diligently for you to then half fill with cupcake batter and place in the over.

"Yoongi oppa~" you called sweetly, batting your lashes once you'd turned around from the oven.

"What?" He asked cautiously, it wasn't hard to see you were about to ask for a favour.

"Would you wash up the bowl and wooden spoon while I measure out the ingredients?" You gave him your best puppy eyes and he cupped your face in his hands while looking down at you.

"You're lucky you're cute," he grumbled before landing a big kiss on your squished lips.

"And that you're not so secretly in love with me?" You pointed out and a quiet 'there's that too' followed after just to make you smile down at the sugar that you were pouring into a small bowl for measuring.

"You suck at this!" You laughed at Yoongi's failed attempts at icing a cute little swirl with the baby blue icing. It was honestly sweet, he was so nervous about trying to make it look nice that his hands shook slightly and made the smooth icing shake.

"I'm trying," he sighed dejectedly and you placed your hands over his.

"Look, let me help," you offered and then guided him, showing him the right amount of pressure and speed to use.

"How are you so good at this?" He questioned and you shrugged, stepping back to let him finish the last four he had to decorate.

"I used to bake with my mom when I was little."

"That's cute," he commented and you hugged his waist, your cheek resting on his back.

"You're cute," you mumbled your reply and he chuckled.

"Go sit down I'll bring over the sweets," he told you and you headed away to sit on the sofa facing the crackling fireplace. In the passing mirror you were reminded of your attire. Yoongi had insisted you wore one of his hoodies with your dark jeans today and you weren't going to decline such a gift, especially not when it was as soft and smelt as good as this. You smiled down at the ground as you walked, knowing that Yoongi had seen you not so slyly obsessing over his sweater in the mirror but when he came to join you on the sofa he was kind enough not to tease you about it.

"Come cuddle with me," Yoongi pleases while pulling you onto his chest and settling down onto the sofa. You grinned down at the boy who wrapped his arms securely around your waist, stroking your lower back from underneath his sweater.

"You look really good today," you complimented him sincerely and he grew shy, moving his face to your neck to hide himself from you.


"Yn. I love you. I'm so deeply in love with you that it hurts to see you with him, it hurts to see you happy someone else's arms because I should be he one making you happy." I panted, tears warming my vision and distorting it.

"I'm sorry Jimin, but me and Yoongi... we're together now," the boy stepped up beside Yn seemingly out of no where and they linked hands, squeezing them just to add another nail to my coffin.

I bolted upright, sweat coating my skin and my breath coming out in short bursts.

"Why?" I asked myself.

Why was my own conscience torturing me?

Maybe I deserved it.

I sighed heavily and reached over to my nightstand for my phone.

No new text messages. I felt a kick to the gut with that, somewhere in the back of my head I'd hoped that the appearance of Yn in my dreams meant that maybe she had been thinking about me and had text or called but no. The lockscreen stared back at me mockingly; a photo of us making silly faces at the camera. We looked happy together.

I laid down swiping through the hundreds and hundreds of photos and videos of accumulated over the years. They made me so happy and sad at the same time.

They'd come back around midday today and I'd have to steel myself for the hardest conversations of my life. I closed my eyes with that thought and pulled the photo of us at Yn's Graduation day closer to me.

It was one of my favourite photos of us, she was wearing a beautiful white lace dress that ended just above her thighs with her gown and hat. She was laughing while I held her off of the ground.

Maybe if I had kissed then things would be different.

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