Beauty is Work

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          "I must say, Astra. Though your boldness is idiotic, I quite admire it," Valentine crooned as she shuffled her deck. Each of the Beauties glanced at the others around the circle.                                      

"It was a mere test. I wished to see if anyone would actually be reckless enough to attack. Luckily, you all remained on the defensive," Astra smirked. She rose from her seat and sidled around her throne. She extended her hand, and the staff rose right up into it. She began to slowly circle the room. "I see that our old aggression hasn't died. That has its ups and downs....." she trailed off. She came to a stop behind Muriel's throne. The poor woman was literally shaking with terror. Her weapon was a mere dagger. She had literally no hope of fighting off the others if they attacked. Astra hung over the top and lunged. Muriel couldn't even react before Astra had ripped the stray feather from her hair. Astra grinned.                                                                                                     

"Thought I would attack, did you?" she innocently asked. Muriel didn't even look up at her. Astra sighed and kept walking and lounged on Rachael's throne. The Natural Beauty let out an annoyed sigh. Astra ignored it.                                                                                                                                                 

"Just spit it out, already. We all know its going to be stupid, anyway," Rachael groaned.                     "Well Rachael, I actually have an excellent idea. This world has been totally wiped clean, enabling new leadership to take over. So I propose that we each forge an empire to rule the remainder of this world. Whichever empire succeeds, the one ruling it becomes the True Beauty. They will find a suitor and repopulate this earth with new beauty. Fighting each other like barbarians will only destroy what we have worked so hard to create. This is the perfect solution. Now....what do you all say?" Astra proposed.                                                                                                                     

Everyone exchanged looks. "Well...." Valentine spoke up. "I believe this is quite a reasonable proposition. That way, we can each establish our power, exhibit our abilities, and prove ourselves. What do the rest of you think?".                                                                                                                        

"I agree," Mary said, turning her mirror over in her hands. "But what happens if we lead armies against one another?"                                                                                                                                                  "Then I guess one or both die," Cynthia deadpanned. The rest turned to look at her. "What? That's what to happen. Everybody dies at some point, and there is no more honorable death then on the battlefield."                                                                                                                                                              

"I-I-I-I  b-b-e-ee-g to di-i-ff-f-e-r-," Fault managed to communicate. Her eyes flashed once to signal a system reset. "The most honorable way to die is in a way that benefits others and not just causes pain." Muriel eagerly nodded, but Cynthia still sighed. Astra drummed her fingers on the table to regather attention                                                                                                                                                

"Now ladies, let's remain civil. There's no reason to be at each other's throats again. There's no reason for pure violence-if one empire overtakes another, then the conquered simply become part of the conqueror's empire. Plain and easy, co-"                                                                                                      

"Bo-ring," Rachael interjected. "Why not just have a beauty pageant? It's traditional, not very complicated, and, I don't know, we don't have to pointlessly take over this planet just to find out that I'm the best?" she finished while twirling her long, luscious locks. A few of the other beauties nodded in agreement, but Astra's staff rose off the table and slammed back down to regather attention.                                                                                                                                                                        

"That's not going to work. Who can judge? The world hasn't seen beauty for ages-seeing us all at once may destroy society. No, this is the only appropriate solution. Beauty is pain and beauty is power, so we must work for our power. Regardless of what you all decide to do, I am going to forge my empire, and prove myself as the true beauty," the Earned Beauty announced, and watched the staff fly back into her hand before striding out of the chamber, her cape billowing behind her. The indigo throne turned black as soon as she exited.                                                    "My my. Perhaps there is something to what she is saying....." Madame Valentine pondered, as she straightened her skirt. Mary faced her.                                                                                                                     "They don't call me me Bloody Mary for nothing. I'm in," the Frightening Beauty declared, and she left as well. The android, Fault, followed behind. Both the red and yellow thrones turned black. Cynthia cocked her head.                                                                                                                                               

"I suppose I shall as well," the woman exclaimed. She lifted herself from the throne, and despite her heavy handicaps, was able to gracefully step out of the chamber. Rachael glared at the remaining beauties and left. Muriel hurried behind, desperate not to be the last. Soon enough, the only throne left illuminated was the green one.                                                                                     "Well then...." Valentine said as she rose from her chair. The False Beauty smiled a joker's smile. "This is going to be exciting."                                                         

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