Rk1700 + Gavin and Eli

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     Walking into the DPD, on the well waited for day before I got the weekend off, Friday, the same old shenanigans were taking place. Walking straight over to the break room, I sat at the dull table I always did, and sighed. It was a few months after the damn robots were seen as a thing. I like to think of them as Annoying Degraded Trash Can and Upgraded Ash Tray, both having little quirks I decided to take advantage of a few days into their Deviancy.

     Annoying Degrade always seemed a bit nervous after coming back from the revolution, especially with the new and improved ash tray. One glance with a thousand daggers and a slight gesture to the gun at my waist caused his led to spin red faster than kids spinning the tea cup on a carousel, and he would quickly join Hank's side. Using this tactic at the right time could be one less of a migraine, at the wrong, however, a boring scolding from his "daddy Hank", or a glare and harsh behavior from Improved Ash tray for the rest of the day.

     Improved ash tray was still getting used to emotions, and I could more often than not get him to do things for me without muttering a word, only once or twice a week for each thing, however. I've noticed on nights we've been assigned certain investigations, the nights I barely get any sleep and as a result I'm "slow" and "not as effecient", a few minutes later a hot, not decaffeinated coffee is next to me on my table without me having to say a word. Those days he is also  empathetic and understanding, unlike his normal cold, intimidating personality he still uses to his advantage.

     Today is one of Those days, and I scroll through my phone, finding everything uninteresting, but more importantly, nothing important, other than a few messages from Eli. I don't open them, they are usually just weird questions I'm better off not thinking about or remarks at how gay I am, and that he's working on something to "satisfy my homosexual tendencies" Or whatever the fuck that means.

     After a few very long minutes of fingerering my phone screen aimlessly, I finally put it in my pocket and glance around. No coffee, no on edge degrade, nothing. Peaking into the office, they weren't there either. I have to admit, it was quite odd not hearing their voices, I almost felt worried. I reluctantly made my own god damn coffee and sat at my desk, looking at the mass of words that lay on paper about cases I was supposed to report on. My phone buzzes, but I ignore it as I read through the headache of work I was supposed to do.

     "Detective Reed!" Fowler shouted from his office, obviously annoyed. My phone had stopped given me ass vibrations a few minutes ago, and I get up from my desk, and in a daze, walk over to his office. "You have a call."

     "Who the phck would be calling me at 7am?" I asked, I couldn't help my eyes from glaring because of habit.

     "How about you take the damn phone and find out for yourself?" Fowler asked snarkily, and forced the phone into my hand. I walked into the office, feeling my face scrunch up at the sound of my brother's voice.

     "Is this Gavin?" Eli said, the smooth sly tone in his voice still apparently a thing.

     "Yes," I replied, closing the door to the always empty men's restroom. "What is so important that you had to call me at fucking 7am?"

     "It's concerning your Androids-"

     "They aren't my phcking Androids!" I shouted into the phone, slamming my free hand flat onto the sink's counter. My hand clenched into a fist at his statement, anger and annoyance bittering my tone.

     "Concerning the Androids," Elijah corrected himself. "I finished giving them upgrades a few hours ago, and I thought you could use the day off. But if you are going to talk to me like that, I won't have any regrets telling Captain Fowler that you won't be coming, and you will have to work, like every normal day. Except, of course, without your wonderful partner, Conan." His words, talking down to me like I was a child, made my blood boil with anger even more. He always put people in these kind of situations, making people do things they don't want to, so they can receive a "reward". However, seeing this as an opportunity to skip out on work, I gave in.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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