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**A lot of you were commenting on Ch.15 saying how she is 18 and she is legal, but I am almost 100% it is illegal to date your student. I am sorry if I am wrong, let's just pretend I'm right for the sake of my story :)

enjoy! xx**



It looked like it was that time of day again. The time when memories of Harry invaded my mind. I sat at my desk at work, my elbows on the table, my palms on my temples. Shouldn't my feelings for him start to go away? Shouldn't I be forgetting about him? Why does everything I look at remind me of him?

Everyday something would trigger a thought about Harry. It was constant. The scissors in my drawer, the same ones that Harry had at school. My co-worker, Lydia. She had the curliest, red hair I had ever seen. Her curls were nothing compared to Harry's, but they still reminded me of him. I felt like I was going crazy.

Let me back up a bit to fill you in. Somehow I survived those last two weeks of school and graduated. I don't know how I did it, but I did. I fell back into a deep depression, I would find myself in my bathroom every night, holding the razor to my wrist. The moment before it made contact with my skin, I thought of Harry. How he looked after he saw my wounded arms. How he would kiss them everyday until the scars faded. How he made me promise that I would never cut again. 

For some weird reason, I wanted to keep my promises, to not let Harry down. I wanted him to be proud of me.

My parents found out about what happened with Harry, and they completely supported me. They gave me my space, but helped me when I needed it. All I wanted to do was hibernate in my bed, but my parents pushed me to go to college. They didn't want me to mess up my life over a little break up.

If only they knew how much more than that it was…

I enrolled in college, forcing myself to go, trying to get an education. I realized that instead of paying attention, I would scroll my eyes over all the teachers, hoping to find someone as amazing as Harry.

Too bad for me, all I found was balding old men.

I dropped out of college after a month, I just couldn't do it any longer. I needed to leave. I needed to start fresh.

I found a job in London doing what I always wanted.


Well, I guess you could call it that. I had an advice column called "Ask Kenz" for a big magazine. Everyday, I would get hundreds of submissions, most of them asking for relationship advice. I found this very ironic, I was giving advice to people, when I was the one that needed it the most.

The pay was pretty nice, so with the help of my parents, I could afford a small little apartment a few blocks from my office. 

Everyday after work I would rip off my fake smile, open my door to my lonely apartment, and drown in my sorrows. Instead of watching TV, I would stare at a wall. I was finally doing something I loved, and I couldn't help but feel miserable. I hadn't known Harry for a long time, but he meant everything to me. My life was nothing without him.

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