well, fuck.

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Wrench made casual contact on his way past, as he often did.

Marcus' blood caught fire, as it always did. This time, tired and distracted, he absent-mindedly put an arm around Wrench and pulled him in close, realising a scene that had only previously played out in his mind.

Wrench looked up in surprise and Marcus let go, aghast at his lapse.

Wrench stiffened and pushed him away, hard. "Fuck you, Marcus". He stormed off and threw himself onto the sofa, fists clenching.

"Ohh shit. Wrench. Hey, man - " Marcus followed at speed, squatting in front of the sofa. "I know that looked bad, but it's not what what you think." Wrench avoided his gaze, and Marcus continued softly. "Look, shit just got real and I panicked," he said, deciding then and there to risk making his play. "But not for the reason you think. I never intended to turn the tables on you like that, but now that it's done... Wrench, if you want this, I'm in."

Wrench froze, blinking his disbelief.

"Look at me," Marcus insisted gently. "See for yourself".

Wrench slowly turned to look at Marcus, mask carefully blank. Marcus closed his eyes for a moment, gathering courage. When he opened them again, he allowed all the intensity of the feelings he had been suppressing for so long shine through. He shifted to sit on the floor at Wrench's feet and sighed.

"Look. I'm sorry. I admit, it took me a while to get past my own clunky sense of self. I mean, I thought I was straight. This is new territory for me, but that's not what held me back. I've been too scared to act, in part to protect you, but also because the thought that I might do or say something stupid - something that makes you shut me out, permanently? Nothing frightens me like that."

"I don't know what kind of hellfire forged you, but you know what? It gave us YOU. Brilliant, complex, crazy as puppies on crack, and I -" Choking with emotion, Marcus dropped his gaze and took a deep breath. He carefully formed his next words in his mind. When he looked up again, he was determined. Wrench hadn't moved so much as a hair.

"I know I don't know your past, but Wrench - whatever it is, I love you for who you are. Unfiltered. Everything I know about you, and anything I don't. Everything. No conditions, I'm all in."

A minute passed, and still Wrench neither moved nor emoted. Marcus felt his own panic ramping. Eyes pleading, he all but begged. "Fuck sake man, don't leave me hanging..."

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