🎵An Explosive Battle🎵

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The air out tonight is uncharacteristically cool. At 5:30, the air is normally somewhat warmer, but I pay no attention to that. The main thing I notice is how quiet it is. God, I hate the quiet. Maybe it's my quirk, maybe its how often I have music blasting in my ears, maybe it's both. Because I'm going into a fight, I decided to take my special headset/speakers.  The headset has speakers on the outside of the part that goes on my ears, so I can blast music several times louder if I need to. And considering that my opponents quirk is literally to cause deafening explosions, a volume boost might do the trick. The best choice of music for a fight like this is usually either electronic or rock, especially songs with higher BPM or more energy. My song of choice for this battle is "Moose" by Benjamin Tissot. It lasts about 2 and a half minutes. It has a slower, more manageable beat, which will allow me to be precise with my jumps and attacks. It will do for this.
"Hey, you ready or what?!"
I suddenly hear a loud voice call out from behind a tree. The sun hasn't quite set yet, so we still have a good amount of vision for this brawl. He was wearing nothing more than a tank top and some loose pants. Bakugo looks both pissed and ready for a brawl. I was wearing a hoodie and joggers, which I expected to be destroyed by the end of this.  I respond with a smirk on my face and a bit of cockiness in my voice.
"Yeah, I've been ready for a while. I was starting to get worried you chickened out of your own challenge."
He furrowed his brows further, and his palms started to crackle. I activate my quirk, the green aura slowly enveloping my entire body. I could feel a surge of energy through my arms and legs, and my eyes and ears became more sensitive. I get ready to blast the song.
"Alright, dumbass. Now you've gone and pissed me off. Here we go!"
This ought be fun.

He suddenly blasted off from where he stood, flying towards me. He is MUCH faster than I thought, but not quite as fast as me when I'm on beat. I hit play, and my aura pulsed and brightened to the beat. All I have to do is take him down before the song is over, which gives me roughly 2 and a half minutes. I listen to the song quite often, so I have accustomed myself to the beat of the song. He is closing in, he can't be more than 15 feet away now. 
I stand there. I wait for him to get closer, closer, until he is with 5 feet of me. Unluckily for him, the forest environment is perfect for my style of combat. There was a sturdy looking limb a good 20 feet above my head. Bakugo reaches out his hand, ready to blow a crater in me. I see his palm crackle, signalling that he is a fraction of a second away from attacking. Now is the perfect time. The song hits a beat, and I pump the power into my legs to launch myself upwards towards the limb. I turn my feet towards the limb, and connect the jump. Bakugo explodes the ground that is now 20 feet from me, and the song hits its next beat. I jump straight down towards him, shattering the limb I jumped off of. I power up a shock wave from my arm, and ready to fire it when I'm close enough to inflict a good amount of damage. He looks up, and he crackles his palms. If i'm correct about my timing, I should get to him and I should hit another beat before he has time to power up a large explosion. 
Half a second. A fourth. An eighth. Then the beat. I feel the power surge into my arms, and I release all of the energy at once, blasting me upwards and shooting a huge pulse of kinetic energy downwards straight at my foe. However, it seems that my timing was off by a fraction of a second, and he managed to get in a decent blast. My shock wave and his explosion collided, creating a massive green ball of devastation, and leveled the ground around us within a 20 foot radius. He was slammed against the ground, and I was sent flying. I was able to use Rhythm to cushion my fall with miniature shock waves on my legs, but it looks like Bakugo took the full brunt of the attack. I don't think that it could've killed him, but I can't imagine it felt like a tickle either. I hear him swearing and cursing me, although it's nearly drowned out by the still blasting music. The song still had a good 2 minutes left. That clash only lasted 30 seconds, but the fight might already be over. 
"Hey, you bastard...I'M NOT DOWN YET!"
...Or maybe not. He suddenly jumps up off of the ground, and starts blasting away again. His explosions seem to be a tad larger now, but why? I truly don't understand how in the hell he is still conscious after that attack. Looks like I'm going to have to try a bit harder. I blast the song even louder than before, almost to the point of it drowning out both of our voices completely. He is now rapidly approaching, and I've got to think of a new strategy. I knew he wouldn't fall for he same trick twice. Think...THINK....I got it. 

He is almost here, it's taking longer than last time since I was blasted so far away. This next move is a bit of a hail mary, but there are only so many options, and this is a VERY unpredictable move. I swallow my fears, and the beat hits.
He is now a good 20 feet away, but I decide to make a risky play. The beat hits, and I send energy flying into my legs and arms simultaneously. And I jump straight for him. His arms are behind his back so he can propel himself forward through the air, so that his fast-as-lightning reflexes won't matter due to the fact that he won't be able to get his hands towards me in time. The jump is timed so that I will be in his face when the next beat hits. I couldn't help but show my smug side since I know that I have already won this fight.
"Bet you weren't expecting this! Where's that shining skill of yours?"
He gritted his teeth, absolutely pissed because he also knew that he was entirely screwed. But then... he had a face of...determination? He stopped propelling forwards, but it didn't matter since I was already in his face. I felt the urge to finish this fight, even though Bakugo had seemed have given up. 
Game over, Bakugo. Thanks for the fun.
Suddenly, he smirked. He pointed his palms downward, and flew upwards. I was shocked, he had found a way out of my attack by using my own trick. But that also meant I knew the counter. Unlike what he did after I struck the first time, my attack was ready. I turned up to face him, and unleashed a torrent of a green energy shock wave. I saw him mouth out something, but the sheer volume of the blast and the music drowned him out. He was sent flying, and landed on his back. I went over to check on him, and he was luckily still breathing. But I could tell he was done fighting. Not many can handle two of my uncontrolled blasts to the face at full power. He has earned my respect, and I could tell he respected me just from the look he have me when I offered him a hand up. I'm surprised he had pushed me this far. If I hadn't gone all out, I probably would've lost. He spoke, gasping from exhaustion and pain.
"Damn. Well done. What was your name again?"
He had a spit of venom in his voice when he said well done. I could tell he was not happy about losing this fight.  But I should still answer him.
"Izori. Hibiki Izori."
"Right. You already took the written exam, and I better see you at the Practical exam. That's where we will have round 2. Whoever does better."
I'm excited. I've never been able to really use my quirk except for on dummies and to train outside away from everyone. I can tell why people like to use their quirks; It's fun as hell! 
We both walk out of the forest, almost limping from the pain. I manage to get to a station, and Bakugo says that he knows where he can get a ride home. We say goodbye, and split. But not before handing each other our contact info. He's gonna be a fun rival.
I hop on the bus, and get off at my stop. The second I walk in the door, two of my younger sisters and one of my younger brothers asks what the hell I was doing out so late. My mom overhears that I've returned home, and instantly berates me with thousands of questions.
"Hibiki! Are you Ok? What happened? Why were you out so late? Why do you have soot and bruises all over your body? Who were you with? Where were you? What did you do?"
I simply responded in a very calm voice.
"I'm alright mom. I met a new friend after school, and we roughhoused a bit with our quirks. It was on land his family owned, so we were allowed to use our quirks freely. I told you all of this through text right after school."
She looks at her phone, and sees that there is a total of 5 unread messages from me. She hugs me, complaining about how she was so worried and that I shouldn't worry my mother like that.
She sends me off to bed, and I fall asleep nearly instantly. That fight has worn me out, and I need sleep. Tomorrow is going to be much more intense training to reprimand me for coming home so late. I can't say that i didn't have fun today, but it hurt a bit. I don't mind, since I finally got a chance to fight a rival. 

Let's fight again sometime, Bakugo.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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