Bullying is wrong if someone is bullying you tell someone or do something back. The reason people bully is because the are jealous of your life or look. If you see someone bully another person tell the nearest adult. I been bully before everyone has been bullied. If someone ask you to give them your lunch money make a face then say no and walk away from them or just talk to the principal about them. And if you are a bully you need to stop the worst you act the worst you get. So start being nice to people. Yall shouldn't bully people because how they look or their height God made them beautiful. If you think somebody else is ugly you might start looking like that person. And yall boys if a girl like you you should like her how she is not because of her looks I like a boy from school because how he is. This isn't a book this is a message about bullying so stop bullying people because you not gonna like it if people bully u so that's all I want to say.