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*Kissing scene ahead*

Calvin POV.

I can't believe that I am here. At a party.

Jackson drove me and Mark to some football player's house. We got here around 8:50. As soon as we got here, Jackson started to flirt with a bunch of girls.  Typical Jackson.  Mark and I went to the kitchen to get some drinks. Mark got a pepsi and I wanted to let loose a little so I got a beer.

Me and Mark stayed in the kitchen. I was on my 2nd beer when I saw Orchid coming towards us so I put my head down and tried to walk out. Again, the key word in that sentence is tried. I bumped into someone, and you would've never guessed who.


She was gorgeous. She had on a  burgundy body-con dress oversized denim jacket, and red, low top converse. They went perfectly with her natural green eyes and medium-dark skin. Ugh. She is so irritating! How am I supposed to hate her when she looks like that.

I groan. I hit my head on hers. I look up as she looks up at me. She totally forgets that we just bumped each other's heads and grins and hugs me tight. "Yay! You guys made it. I was starting to get worried that you wouldn't come." "Trust me, I tried not to." She laughed like it was a joke. I was serious. "Hey, wanna play beer pong?" She already looked tipsy. I probably do also.

She waved her hands in my face, and I was drawn out of my thoughts. "An answer would be nice." "Sure." "Great." And with that, she pulled me outside where there aas a ping pong table full of cups were.

*I honestly don't know how to play beer pong so if this is wrong, correct me, please and thank you*

"Do you know how to play?"  I shake my head. "Well, it's simple. You throw the ping pong ball into the cup across the table. When you make the shot, you drinks. Try not to miss though. Whoever has the most empty cups wins." I look at the table again. There are 10 cups on each side, each cup is filled halway with beer. "Ok, i get the game now."

"I'll go easy on you because you're a rookie, but be prepared to lose." I roll my eyes at her. "Whatever. "

At one point during the game she starts trash talking me. She only did it when she saw that I was winning. When I won she was mad. "Ha. I won!" She quickly drunk the last cup of beer left on her side of the table, thinking I wouldn't notice. "No, it was a tie." "Psh. Whatever helps you sleep at night."

She then looks at me and says "Let's catch up." I nod my head and she pulled me in the house up the stairs and into a room. She locks the door and we sit down. She suddenly looks serious.

"How have you been?" Not this again, she thinks that just because she can ask how I'm doing we'll be the best of friends.

"I've been better. Things haven't been the same since you stopped talking to me." I said with a now bitter tone. "I'm sorr-" "NO! I don't want apologies, I want an explanation." She just stared. That just made me more irritated. I stood in anger.

"Well," "I honestly don't know what happened to us. I guess I was just busy with everything else aroud me to notice that we weren't talking." "You had to notice at some point because I obviously wasn't talking to you either." Now she looks mad. "And why was that, huh? You get mad at me and you did the the exact same thing to me." "I didn't talk to you because I thought you didn't want anything to do with me."

She stood up, her face softening while her head shook. "Not at all, in fact, it it's the exact opposite. You were my everything, why wouldn't want anything to do with you?" "I feel like shit now. I have held a grudge against you all this time and for what, nothing. I'm such a hypocrite." "Truce?" "I guess."

I pull her into a hug. "I missed your hugs. You're so squeezable!!" "I. Can't. Breathe." She lets go and piunches my shoulder plafuly.

"Remember when we would tell each other secrets? Let's do it again. You go firts." I look at her expecting something stupid. "I think that you may just be the most sexy person in earth. Like you don't know how much I want you everyday." My eyes widen as she says this. "Wha-"

I didn't even get to finish my sentence when i feel her hands on my neck. She holds my face in her hands and I see the sincerity and passion in her green eyes. I don't feel like myself, but I feel good. I don't know when we started leaning towards each other, but now centemeters apart. She looks different, like there is a different aura around her now. Lust? Love?

Her lips press on mine for a minute before they start moving. My lips have a mind of their own and move faster against hers. A sense of pleasure ans euphoria washes over me as we kiss. I lick her lips and as a result she opens her mouth for my tongue to get in. Our tongues fight for dominance, I win as soon as she straddles my lap. I feel a boner coming, but she felt it all the way and moaned as she grinded on me.

A thought suddenly came into my head. We're still at the party, making out in a random bed. I hadn't noticed when I stopped kissing her or when she started kissing my neck, but it was happening.

'Stop." She stops and looks worried,  a total 180 from the girl that was just grinding and kissing me 30 seconds ago. "Why? What's wrong? Is it me? Are we moving too fast, cause we can call it quits anytime." I chuckle. "No, it's not you, its just that we are still at a party. Why don't we go to your house or something, finish this there." She grins. "My dad's at work until 8:00 in the morning, so why not?" I grin.

We start getting ready immediately. "Last one to the car is a rotten egg." As we chase each other to the car. I see Mark and Jackson in the kitchen. I go over tk them and they look irritated. "I'm going to go home with Orchidm don't wait for me." Jackson looks confused. "What do you mean 'go home with Orchid- Oh! I see you Calvin, go get some. My man!" After that, I leave.

I meet her at the car and we drive to her house.


Hi guys, I made this into 2 parts cause this would be way too long. Smut next chapter, so there will be a warning.

QOTD: How did you like today's chapter?

AOTD: I think it was good.

Anyway, I love you guys. Vote. Share. Comment. Bye!

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