Restaurant chat

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The restaurant continued buzzing, people chatting, kids laughing, but it all went unheard to Eren. He was stuck in place, frozen like a statue, his heart beating loudly in his ears. It was him, fate chose the man before him, who looked to be at least a decade older than him. “Oi brat, get me some napkins instead of standing there like an idiot,”

The non-amused tone of the shorter male before him brought Eren back to reality. He sucked in a breath and nodded slightly “My apologies, sir, I’ll get them right away,” The teen took his chance to quickly turn on his heels and head back to the kitchen, a confused expression upon his face. Hadn’t the older male noticed too? If he did, he certainly didn’t show it.

“Christa,” He called out as soon as he walked through the kitchen doors. A blond headed girl turned from her dessert making station with a kind smile, she was short but her kindness made up for the height.

“Eren? Is there a problem?” She tilted her head slightly, the kind smile never vanishing. “You didn’t mess up an order again, did you?” Christa said with a light laugh.

“No, uh, I accidentally spilled a tray of drinks on someone. There’s some on the floor so can you get someone to clean that up?”

“Sure thing. Was the customer angry?”

Eren licked his lips slightly before shrugging “I couldn’t tell. Though the glare was pretty hard,” He thought back to the older male’s expression, he did give Eren a cold glare but nothing of his facial expression, if the man had any, told whether or not he was going to file a report. Eren hoped he wouldn’t.

He stepped out of the kitchen with a tray of food for another table, and a bunch of napkins in his pocket, making sure not to trip again. It was such a rookie mistake, after the years he’d been working at the Titan’s restaurant, he couldn’t believe he actually fell.

Eren set the plates of food on a table on the other side of the restaurant, glancing over a few times to see if the man was still there, which he wasn’t. Shit

He placed the last plate in front of a serious business type man with blond hair and untamed eyebrows, he was sitting beside a brunette lady who wore glasses and an expression that looked a bit creepy. A seat on the other side of the table was empty, a pair of gloves left on the table there. “Will they be ordering something?”

“Oh, yes, he just had to make a quick stop to the restrooms,” Eren nodded to that and turned half away.

“I’ll be back in five minutes then. Enjoy your meals,” With that, the brunette teen walked back to the kitchens to retrieve more meals.

He did go back, though around ten minutes later due to some caught up in the orders, but when he returned Eren felt his throat close up. It was the man from before, with the cold stare, sitting there all dry like nothing happened. He held a glass of water in a hand and was listening to the brunette lady babble on about some topic Eren didn’t understand.

Eren reached into his pocket and took out the pen and pad of paper “Would you like to order anything, sir?” He said, addressed to the short male, cutting off the lady’s story.

“Tch, you again brat? Isn’t there any decent kids working here,” Eren’s grip on the pen tightened slightly. Oh, so he’s going to be that type of customer.

The teens’ lip twitch slightly, but he tried to keep his cool and repeated the question. “Would you like to order anything, sir?”

“I could get better service from an insect-”

“-No need to be rude Levi!” The lady interjected, turning to Eren with a smile “He’ll have a coffee, thank you…. Eren!” The teen paused for a slight moment, wondering how she knew his name. My name tag.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2014 ⏰

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