Bazz x Ryan - A Walk To The Park

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Setting: Ryan sees that it's a nice day and wants to go for a walk with Bazz. Ryan trips on something during their walk and when Bazz tries to help him up, well, something else happens.

Warnings: None.

Requested by: No one.

Ryan's POV

I'm sitting at the window, it's really nice out, the snow looks like little sparkles scattered across the ground with more falling from above. I smiled to myself thinking 'this would be a perfect day to go on a walk to the park!' I look around hoping to see Bazz somewhere in the room, but not to be found. I sigh, just as I did so Bazz came down the stairs. 'Perfect!' I thought as I ran up to him.

"Wanna go for a walk to the park?" I ask him.

"Um... Sure!" He replies rushing to the closet to grab his coat, hat and boots, I do the same but grabbing two scarfs gently wrapping one around his neck. Bazz blushes and giggles, god his laugh is so cute! I put my scarf on and grab some mitts, I toss over Bazz his pair and put on mine. Bazz and I look at each other slipping on the rest of our winter clothes, we both laugh to ourselves and make our way outside, locking the door behind us.

"Are we gonna go through the backyard or the road?" Bazz asks, pointing to the trail in our backyard them the street.

"The trail's a lot nicer," I remark, he nods. "Plus it's quicker."

"It is?" He asks looking over at me as we make our way there.

"Yeah" I replied looking back at him. He smiles when we make eye contact, I smile back.

We walk onto the trails and just go on in silence for a while, then I see Bazz reach up for a branch in front of me and tugs on it and a big pile of snow came crashing onto my head. I froze.

"You're gonna pay for that!" I say as he runs away, I start chasing after him while shaking off all the snow.

Bazz stops at a fork in the trail, but I know where we're going. He looks at me for guidance and I chuckle, taking his hat from his head as I run past him.

"It's this way you ding-dong!" I say running to the right. Now he's the one chasing after me.

I started to get tired but I kept going, in fact to the point that I didn't realize that we were off the trail. I had tripped on a rock landing in the snow on my back. Bazz saw and tried to save me by grabbing my coat but he got pulled down too, and now he's on top of me, his face directly over mine. I blush as our noses touch, we're so close to kissing! Should I lean in? Would he be mad if I do? I slowly close my eyes, letting him decide. My eyes widen as I felt his soft lips against mine, but I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He pulled away and I opened my eyes.

"I-I... I'm s-sorry Ryan..." Bazz said getting up and hiding his face. I got up and whacked his hat against my leg a few time to get the snow off then put is on him, I kept a hand on each side of his face and kissed his cheek.

"It's okay! I kinda liked it!" I said blushing. He smiles and kisses me again and I happily kissed back.

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