Rules and More Fighting

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"Hi." I squeaked out when he answered the phone.

"Rose, I am so unbelievably mad at you." He said in a calm voice which scared me even more than if he was yelling. I took a deep breath and nodded my head.

"I know." I said as I walked into my closet and found my box of hidden stuff. Because I didn't have a false floorboard here, I kept everything hidden in a shoe box behind some clothes. I pulled out the cigarettes and a lighter. I only ever smoke when I'm stressed out and today I was more than in need.

"What the fuck was up with you today? Your attitude, ignoring my texts and calls, and how you ran off when you saw me has landed you in a whole lot of trouble." I could feel his rage boiling through the phone. I stepped out onto the balcony and sat down.

"I know. I've kinda had a lot on my mind lately if you haven't noticed." I snapped back.

"You're still gonna give me attitude?" I mentally cursed myself.


"No what?"

"No Sir."

"Better." I let out a sigh and lit up a cigarette. I held it to my lips, inhaling the smoke. I felt the nicotine buzz through me, making everything tingly. "You've been so fucking bad today, you're lucky I didn't chase after you and punish you in front of everyone."

"I know." He let out a sigh before he began again.

"We can deal with that later. Why don't you tell me what's been bugging you all day?" He said more than asked.

"Well in home room, I found out that Ethan is coming home for the weekend and he's throwing a party. Then when I went home, I told my mom just like you told me to. She believes me but won't go to the police for fear of ruining her reputation. And The Assholes are being assholes." I took another drag of the cigarette. Damon was quiet for a few moments.

"That's a lot." I let out a short laugh.


"Are you ok to be alone?" He asked sounding so concerned.

"Yeah. I want nothing more than for you for fuck me senselessly but everyone is home and I can't just ditch again." I said and he laughed. His laughter made me smile.

"Same here baby. You looked so fucking hot in my shirt today." I smiled again. Damon was really good about making me forget.

"Distract me. Tell me your rules. We haven't gone over them yet." I said as I lit another cigarette.

"Are you sure you're up for it now?" He asked. It made me happy knowing that he can be so rough with me, yet so gentle when I needed it.


"Ok. I'm gonna text them too you and I want you to read them out loud on the phone." He said. I felt my phone buzz and I put him on speaker.

"Rule number one: always address you as Sir, Master, or Daddy when we are alone.
Rule number two: always respect you and do as you say.
Rule number three: use my safe words if I ever feel uncomfortable. (Yellow means slow down and red means stop).
Rule number four: no drugs or alcohol
Rule number five: no profanity
Rule number six: keep my grades up
Rule number seven: always be polite
Rule number eight: get enough sleep at night and eat three meals a day.
Rule number nine: no masturbating.
Rule number ten: treat my body with respect and never be ashamed of it." I read them to him. My jaw dropped at rules two, four, five, and nine. I curse in almost every sentence and I get fucked up every weekend. Or should I say messed up? And do everything he says? What the fuck? I mean heck.

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