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I was searching for pics of jeongyeon and I saw this so I had to add some text and if you dont get Jeongyeon's response in the pic its cus the original photo was when she looked back because of nayeonie!😂💕

Insta for more jeongmin: @park.jeong.yoo.min

Insta for more jeongyeonie:

Now back to the story...


After our little confession session we went all around Jeju Island...

"Hey jeong you hungry?" Jimin asked..

" YES!" I said while I dragged him into a small fastfood chain.

"Hey do you want to eat some where else like a restaurant?" He asked while looking at me weirdly.

"Why do you not like the food?" i asked.

"Well no... I just thought you would want better food thats all" he said while scratching his neck.

" Restaurants cost more for the same kind of food. Im used to eating at these kinds of places." I said smiling at him.

"Ahhh ok sure... what do you want to eat then?" He said looking at the menu.

" ok so I want jokbal, ramen, oysters, kimbap, and for dessert green tea ice cream, and cake." I said smiling.

He then started to laugh out loud and the people around us started looking.

"Yahhh why are you laughing!!" I said pouting at him.

"Nothing... Are you sure you can finish all of that though?" He asked.

"No... but thats why your here." I said trying to do aegyo.


"No... but thats why your here." She said doing aegyo.

Wahh why do you have to do that... I know for a fact that im blushing😳

"U-uhhh y-yeahh.." I said trying not to face her.

"Eyy my chimchim so cute blushing!" She said pinching my cheeks.


After we ate we went to a theme park.

"Hey jeong do you wanna ride the Ferris wheel?" I asked her.

"Sure but can we go when the sun is setting?" She asked.

"Sure" I said.

"WAHH LOOK AT THE STUFFED ANIMALS! THEY HAVE AN OSTRICH!" she screamed while dragging me with her.

"Hey how much for the stuffed ostrich?" I asked the man working the stall.

"You have to play the dart game and it has points on the size of The ballon you popped. Would you like to play? " the man the man asked.

"Yes please!!" Jeong said and grabbed the darts from the table.

She tried and tried until she finished the set of darts and she only managed to pop 2 balloons. She didn't have enough and a thought popped into my head!

" ahhh oppa I didn't get enough points" she whined at me.

" can I have another set of darts please?" I asked and the man handed me another set.

My idea was falling into place.

I handed her one dart and grabbed her waist with one of my hand and the other guiding her on how to throw the dart.

"WAHH OPPA!" She jumped happily and jumped in for a hug.

"We got enough points!" She said.

"Ok so what would you lovely couple want for your prize?" The man asked. I looked over to jeong and she was blushing and I can tell she was embarrassed.

" ahh sorry sir we are just friends, I would like the stuffed ostrich please." I said scratching my neck.

"Ahh you guys would look good together. Here you guys go. HAVE FUN ON THE REST OF YOUR STAY!" The man said.

" ahh thank you." Jeong said while bowing.

" hey jeong lets go. Its almost sun set." I said dragging her to the farris wheel.

" wahh their is such a long line oppa" she whined.

"Its ok. After ill treat you to more food ok." I said while buying the tickets.

"Ok." She said pouting.

Why do you have to me so cute.

"Ok lets line up." I said grabbing her from the bench she was sitting on.

"Yahh oppa WAIT STOP STOP!!" She screamed.

As I looked back she was on the ground. Crying.

"Yahh what happened? Are you ok?" I asked kneeling down trying to help her up.

"Ye-oww!" She said gripping on to my arm.

"Ill carry you. Hop on." I said.

"Its ok I can walk..." she said while trying to get up but managed to fall back.

"Then why are you on the ground again huh?" I said laughing.

"Yahh don't laugh and help me up!" She screamed and people started looking at us.

"Yahh dont scream or ill leave you here!" I said.

" fine fine just help me up OPPA" she said.

"Ok lets go. Were gonna be late for the ferris wheel." She said.


On the ferris wheel...

"Its such a nice view I hope everyday it was like this." She said looking out the window.

"Like what?" I questioned.

" being free. Being an Idol was my dream but I never got to experience what normal people our age do. I want to date, I want to eat everything I want, I want to be free... but I cant leave twice and once, at least I got to spend this day with you." She said as she leaned her head on my shoulder.

Hey guys I have no idea where this book is going so if you guys have any suggestions please do tell me in the comments and feel free to dm/pm me on here!💕

Hope you guys liked this kinda long update💜


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