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"Do it!!" I yell

"I can't do it Hank!!" Kim screams

"Listen honey, I, I think it's the bites." I say

"What do you mean the bites?" She asks

" I think it's the bites that turn you, turn you into something your not. Turn you into one of them" I say pointing out the window to those savages eating people.

"No I don't think......"


"What was that?!?" Kim asks

"I think they just broke down the door!!" I say

"Come on let's get you up!" Kim says.

"No Ki......"

"I'm not taking no for an answer! Now get up and let's get you down stairs."

We open the bedroom door to find that the infected were in the house and were coming up the stairs.

"Ah, Hank get back!" She screams.

Since I was bitten I could barely get on my feet so Kim had the gun.


"Come on Hank!"


And before I can I object she grabs me and we dive out our bed room window. And now I'm on the ground with pieces of glass in my arm, when she gets me on my feet.

"Come come on!"

We run for 2-3 more blocks when we get surrounded.

"In there!" She says, pointing at the "Quaker Movie Theatre"


We get in and we barricade ourselves in the bathroom.

"Honey...... Please!! End me now!!" I yell

" Hank! All I wanted to do was keep you alive. That's why we're here in this bathroom right now!"

"Please honey.....ah. It's happening please just do it!!!" I yell

"Ok. Hank I love you." She says with a tear rolling down her face.

"Thank..... You..... Promise me something....."

"What? anything baby" she asks

"Even when all hope seems lost, you promise to keep fighting, and if can't fight anymore, depend on fate"

"I promise Hank"


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