From Then to Now

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The voice jolts her from her sleep. Marinette quickly looks up to find Alya's gaze fixed on her. She smirks, and Marinette blinks away her drowsiness.

"S-sorry. I stayed up late last night." She rubs her eyes as Alya shakes her head a chuckles.

"You having trouble sleeping again?"

"Yeah. I have to come up with so many new designs and there's hardly enough time and I have to make the outfits and who even knows if they're worth enough and wh-"

"Marinette!" Alya interrupts her friend, laughing once again. Marinette stops and looks up at her. "You have to chill girl. You've been working to hard. Don't over-do it. Your designs are beautiful. Any school would be lucky to have you."

Marinette found that hard to believe, but she trusted Alya more than anyone in the world, aside from her parents of course. She smiles lightly and nods. "Thank you, Alya." Alya nods back and extends a hand to Marinette.

"Come on. We're going out tonight. Just us girls."  Marinette hesitates. She loves going out with her friends. But she has a duty to her school portfolio, and the people of Paris. What if someone got akumatized tonight? She'd have to ditch them again. She still had so much work to finish in time to apply for university. Suddenly she feels a grip on her hand, followed by a tug. Before she knew it she was on her feet walking out of her classroom. "I'm not taking no for an answer, Mari. You deserve a break."

"And then- PSHHHH! It all came crashing down! Nobody saw it coming!" Alix exclaims, emphasizing her story with dramatic arm movements. The girls laugh. Alya had brought Marinette to the park, where they all sat under the shade of a tree enjoying snacks. She had been successful in convincing all of Marinette's friends to come hang out for today. Juleka, Mylene, Rose, and Alix. They hadn't had a moment like this in a while. Marinette missed this. She laughed at Alix's story. They sit there, enjoying each other's company for a while longer. Of course, that is until a loud CRASH startles them all. A couple of blocks down, smoke began to rise. 

"Oh no.." Marinette thinks. "Not today." The girls look around, confused. 

"What should we do?" Juleka asks?

"We have to take cover! It could be another akumatized victim!" Mylene suggests, looking back and forth through all her friends.

"Yeah, she's right. Let's look for a place to hide until everything calms down." Marinette says. She begins walking towards her house. "We could hide at my place, come on!" The girls run into the bakery as they're greeted by Marinette's parents. They pile up into her room.

It's been three years since Marinette was handed the Ladybug miraculous. Three years since she began protecting the people of Paris. So much time has passed, and nothing has changed. Her and Chat Noir aren't any step closer in finding out who Hawkmoth is or where he's hiding than they were when they first started searching for him. People are constantly akumatized, some multiple times. This was becoming harder and harder for her. Did she really want to be a protector of Paris? She knows Master Fu needs her, and so does Chat, as well as all these people. But, she wanted to focus on her normal life as well. Adrien has only become a closer friend. And that is all she was ever going to be. Marinette snaps out of her thoughts and looks at her friends, who are staring out a window trying to get a glimpse at the chaos outside. "I'll be back." She says, and runs before her friends could question her. She runs all the way down to the alley behind her house. "Alright Tikki, let's do this. Tikki spots on!"

"M'lady! The day isn't as bright until you arrive." Chat Noir greets Ladybug with a smirk.

"It's good to see you too, Kitty. Now, what do we have?" Ladybug looks down at the new villain standing in the middle of the street below them. A young man wearing a helmet like those you see in video games with bright lights flashing through his visor.

"Um, I don't really know. This guy seems different. He's kind of just standing there. I've been watching him from up here for a while and he hasn't moved. But every time something or someone gets near him, they get pushed back."

"Force field?"

"Perhaps. But how do we get in?"

"Only one way to find out." Ladybug swings down to the ground, landing gently on her feet and picks up a soda can left on the sidewalk. She tosses it towards the villain, and it bounces off. Chat lands beside her. 

"No good. Should I just cataclysm it?"

"No, save that. This is strange." Ladybug analyzes her surroundings, and closely watches her current enemy while twisting her one of her now longer ponytails around her finger. "The akuma has to be in his helm-"


Ladybug sucks in her breath. The voice was deep, robotic, but there was something sinister about it. Chat defensively stands in front of her, holding his staff ready to fight. The villain turns his head to them slowly.

"You have five days. In five days you will give me your Miraculous." 

Ladybug frowns. "Never, Hawkmoth. How about you come face me yourself if you want them so bad and stop using innocent people for you own desires?"

The villain laughs, then smiles. "Five days." 

Ladybug and Chat Noir are suddenly pushed back by a strong force. "Ladybug and Chat Noir! You will give me your Miraculous so that I can rule over my digital world forever!" His voice is now high pitched, much younger, still robotic.

"Ladybug.." Chat Noir helps her up and stands in his ready to fight position once again. The atmosphere had changed. Hawkmoth talked to them directly for the first time in a while. Five days? Five days until what? Why five days? She shakes her thoughts away.

"I don't know. But we'll figure that out later. Come on, we have to get that helmet." Chat Noir nods and charges. Ladybug follows behind. Now this, this was the type of fight they were used to. 

Hello everyone!

 Welcome to my new story! I kind of abandoned my old AOT fan fiction sadly. But I've been itching to write recently and I'm hooked on Miraculous Ladybug so I thought, why not? Let me know what you guys think! There's much more to happen in this story, and please remember that none of the things that'll happen here are cannon, except for some of the heroes that'll show up of course. Also please remember that this story is meant to be a bit more dark and heavy than the actual show. I always figured if it wasn't a kids show the tone would be different, so that's the approach I took. I hope you enjoy the chapters to come!

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