People thought I was crazy when I was so happy as I got the lowest mark in physics test. Physics is my most favorite subject to a level where I read physics books when I am depressed. That day is sill memorable to me as it serves to be the day when I realised that no matter how much things crumbles you to dust, it you only who can reconstruct yourself.
After making a mistake analyze what you did wrong. And don't waste you time crying over spilled milk. That's a crucial step don't waste you time on things of past.
Analyze and learn from your mistake. Learning from your mistake is the most important step. A mistake is a mistake when you repeat it. Believe me when you learn from your mistake you won't easily forget it.
Never give up on your passion due to silly mistakes. This mistakes will be the stairs to your success.
-------------Sapphire Destiny
2019, 18 February
A Spark of Motivation
RandomI like to learn from my mistakes and I would like to share my thoughts and mistakes so that you don't do the same thing. "A wise person learns from seeing the mistakes of others" - Too lazy to Google who said it.