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Being you ain't easy , you have your own decisions and own choices made and still need to be made. You are the one who will choose things about yourself and what you need to do. You exactly know what you wanted. No one else but you , yourself can figure it out things which are best for you. Don't be involved in someone's else choice and don't let them get involved in yours.

Your choices are yours and cherish it, no matter however you regret, how many times you'll fall , atleast you'll do something what your heart desires and will ever desire.

Some people will judge you, try to drag you down, try to make you unfocused in your goals and choices, try to manipulate you and your choices, try to show you the wrong way, where some people will motivate you , they'll make your choices even more clear, they'll make you feel better when you fall, they'll probably be there with you whenever you make some choices. Now, here you got to focus on the ones who are there with you in your every choices and unfocuse then who tries to make you fear your choices.

It's your choice, set it free and let it travel with you.

It is sure that your choices will turn out into a wrong ones sometimes but don't stop choosing and next time you'll surely be able to figure out the things where were you wrong and you'll be able to choose even a better one. Don't hesitate to pick up your choices.

When you'll pick the choices you'll feel your heart bouncing and dancing for a good reason.

You'll never have to feel guilty for not choosing your needs. Of course you'll start to cherish yourself and your choice after you start to have grip on your choices. You'll choose yourself, you'll choose your happiness, you'll be your first priority and that's okay . That's not something called"selfish" that is an act of expressing you to yourself that you treasure yourself and you'll never hurt yourself. It is a commitment to you with yourself. It's okay to you to be your first priority.

No one except you, will know your choices and yourself better than you.

So feel free to choose yourself first and be able to fight fights for yourself. Then you'll win all the brawls.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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