Did Any Of You See The Prophet?

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Allah's Messenger is our leader. Just as we pray as he prayed, we must strive to live as he lived. Those who followed him during the first Islamic century were real representatives of the true Islamic life. Allah's Messenger says of them: "Muslim armies will arrive, after me, at the gates of cities. They will be asked:" DID ANY OF YOU SEE THE PROPHET? " The answer will be affirmative, and the gates will be opened for them. Those who succeed them also will perform jihad and be asked:" DID ANY OF YOU SEE THOSE WHO SAW THE PROPHET?" They will reply in the affirmative, and the cities will be conquered by them. As for the third generation, it's members will be asked: "DID ANY OF YOU SEE THOSE WHO SAW THE FOLLOWERS OF THE PROPHET'S COMPANIONS?" When this question is answered in the affirmative, their conquest will be successful. "
In another narration by Bukhari and Muslim, Allah's Messenger says:" The best of you are those who live in my period, then those who succeed them, and then those who follow them. "
Those three generations strictly followed the Prophet and, accordingly, were granted great victories through out the world. Moses, peace be upon him, had predicted them:" The banners of the holy ones are in there hands." They are the companions of Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh) and those who follow his way in every century.

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